Saturday, July 31, 2021

8/1/21 Knowing Too Much Is Dangerous lll "You're Not Ready "


5 Minutes of Focus

Knowing Too Much Is Dangerous lll

"You're Not Ready"

Before, Adam & Eve KNEW they were naked...They were confident, secure in their relationship, unashamed of their bodies and enjoying fellowship with God.
Genesis 3

But all that changed, the minute they ate the fruit and discovered they were naked.

Sin caused them to be uncovered BOTH physically & emotionally for the 1st time, sin put them in a place of vulnerability.

A place they weren't ready for, they weren't ready to see themselves naked; to know themselves COMPLETELY, FULLY like that, for the 1st time.

They weren't ready...Just like you aren't ready to know some things about yourself, you're not ready to know ALL of what's next for you.

Beloved, What if God against his own better judgment were to answer ALL YOU QUESTIONS PRE-MATURELY what's to stop you from feeling some type of way?

What's to stop you reeling out of control emotionally...If you were to hear or feel a check in YOUR SPIRIT that contradicts what you think you want or need at this time, rather than confirm it?

As strong as you think you are...Most likely, You'll start feeling some type a way. You'll start feeling discouraged. You'll start looking around, envying others and before you know it...

You have LOST interest in the things GOD told you to do.
Psalm 73:2-3 NIV

Now, You are no longer active in your process, active in your journey towards becoming....

Instead, You are bailing out on the process because things are not manifesting fast ENOUGH FOR YOU.

God knows you...
He knows what you are emotionally mature enough to take right now without losing it, in the middle of your process, in middle of your journey.

You just remember...
Delayed doesn't mean denied.

It just means you need more to time to grow up (You're not ready as it says in 1 Corin 3:2 NIV) to go from the milk of THE WORD to the meat- chewing and digesting truth.

All the while, STILL trusting in God, that he who began a good work IN YOU will complete it....
Philip 1:6

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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