Sunday, July 18, 2021

7/18/21 "Honor Your Own Uniqueness "


5 Minutes of Focus

"Honor Your Own Uniqueness" 

Can somebody tell me...Why do we feel the urge to always check out the way another person is doing, what they do?

It's as if, checking out the way they do it is suppose to "somehow" help us in what we're doing.

But here's what I love about the Apostle Paul....When God saved him, and MADE HIM to be an Apostle...

In scripture the Apostle Paul says:

15 But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased 

16 to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. 

17 I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia. Later I returned to Damascus.
Galatians 1:15-17 NIV 

His IMMEDIATE  response was not to consult any human being...He didn't go see those who were Apostles before him. That WHOLE Part!!!
Though they had been walking in their calling as an Apostle much longer than him....

👉 He didn't look to them for a pattern to do what he had been called to do.

👉 In other words, He didn't go check them out.

👉 Instead, He trusted the God that called  him and he began to travel, to move, to operate in what he had been called to.

👉 I hope that right there, frees somebody.

👉 Stop trying to pattern yourself after people, looking to see how they do, what they do.

Have you ever stop to think that what works for them, might not work for you?

Yes, It's okay to have mentors and to learn from them, but EVEN THEN ...You can't do EVERYTHING they do.

God made YOU unique in your existence for a reason. He doesn't need you to be EXACTLY like anyone else.

The way they lead, conduct business, do this & that is unique to who God made them to be.

For Example: I love Prophetess Juanita Bynum and consider her a great mentor, among others...BUT I KNOW, I can't do what she does, the way she does it AND THAT'S OKAY.

Honor your own uniqueness.

Trust the God that called you and get out there. 

YOUR GIFT will make room for you. 
Proverbs 18:16 NKJ

So, Take your eyes off them....
Comparing yourself is NOT wise. 
2 Corin 10:12 NKJ

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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