Saturday, June 5, 2021

6/6/21 "Unresponsive "


5 Minutes of Focus 


Do not quench [subdue, or be unresponsive to the working and guidance of] the [Holy] Spirit. 
1 Thessalonians 5:19 AMP

God let me notice this scripture in the Amplified Version of the bible about 2 weeks ago now, and it has really stayed with me, stayed in my spirit.

For me, It's the part about being UNRESPONSIVE...
That's what really got me.

So much so, that I had to go in prayer and ask God to forgive me for all the times, I have been unresponsive to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. 

You see, As human beings, we are so quick to say that God's  not doing anything or say that our prayers are not being answered. 

But what if...You were unresponsive the whole time?

You were unresponsive to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, to the Holy Spirit you appeared DEAD and no longer in need of assistance. 

Think about this: For 4 days, Lazarus appeared DEAD to all those who knew him, so they left him in the grave.
John 11

Simply put: If you don't respond to the Holy Spirit, He will leave you there in that situation unattended. 

You see, As wise as the Holy Spirit is... He STILL requires that you respond to Him when He speaks.

In 1 Samuel 3,  Samuel was young and he didn't yet recognize the voice of God, but yet he responded EVERY time he was called. True, it was the wrong response, but yet he responded.

So, God (the Holy Spirit) kept calling him, and calling him, and calling him until Samuel  (with Eli's help) finally was able to give the correct response.

Samuel said, 
 "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” 
1 Samuel 3:9 NIV 

So, How can you honestly say, God is not doing anything or your prayers are not being answered?

When you havent responded with a "Yes, Lord, Speak Lord..."

It's all about acknowledging His voice and you haven't done that.

You haven't done anything to show Holy Spirit that you're listening and you're at least TRYING to be responsive, be obedient to His voice.

Even if, you're not sure, respond and watch what happens. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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