Sunday, June 27, 2021

6/27/21 "Distrusting People "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Distrusting People"

So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” 
John 20:25 NIV 

Thomas just refused to believe that the other disciples had seen Jesus...He wouldn't believe it, UNTIL he saw Jesus and the wounds he suffered for Himself.

Makes me wonder...
What Thomas had been through in his life PRIOR to becoming a disciple that would cause him to doubt, to not believe what's told to him, but he had to see it for himself ?

Seems like Thomas had a distrust of people. Seems like he had learned enough in life to know that people can and will LIE to you.

Seems like Thomas had dealt with that LYING Spirit before, in people close to him. Therefore, he was not SO QUICK to trust or believe the disciples. 

Simply put:Thomas was a human being  just like you & me with issues he still needed to take directly to Jesus. 

Because there are some hurts that only being in Jesus' presence for yourself will heal.

When you go through so much at the hands of people; them lying to you, lying on you...It's difficult to just bounce back from that mentally like nothing ever happened and be the trusting person you were before.

Jesus knowing that; came back to the house a 2nd time to show Thomas his wounds, all the places on The Cross he had been hurt by people.
Zechariah 13:6 KJV 

Then Jesus tells him to stop doubting. You see, Beloved, there comes a time when IT'S SAFE to put your doubts to rest.

Jesus was there to help Thomas who was doubting, he was there to help him see the truth and heal.

Jesus was there to help Thomas get over his distrust of people; as far as the disciples were concerned anyways...

He could trust them, it's just that mentally he couldn't process that yet...

Mentally, I know there are some things you can't process yet when it comes to trusting people...NO JUDGING HERE.

I just pray you get healed enough to see that all people are not like the ones that hurt you and made you distrustful in the 1st place.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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