Saturday, February 20, 2021

2/21/21 "Who Am I To You?"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Who Am I To You?"

People have a tendency to focus on one specific thing about you and make it your WHOLE identity.

AND If you are not careful to stop it, before it becomes something people just automatically associates with you, their way of defining who you are...

You will find yourself like Leah being defined by what just might be your weakest trait. "Leah HAD weak eyes, she was not weak eyed. " There's a difference. 

You are not whatever you've had to deal with physically.

In the bible, right after Leah's name is mentioned (as one of Laban's daughters) NOT even 2 minutes later, It says,  Leah had weak eyes, and that Rachael had a lovely figure & was beautiful. 
Genesis 29:16-17 NIV 

It's 2021, we should be over being known by our physical shortcomings or even by our physical "perfections".
None of which is the real you or the real me.

Notice what the bible DOES & DOESN'T say in Proverbs:

A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor is better than silver and gold. 
Proverbs 22:1 AMP 

Paraphased: A good name is more desirable than a lovely figure, the perfect eye sight, or anything materialistic.

Because again, that's not the real you. You are not your body or your eye sight; weak or otherwise, you are not your big lips etc. etc.

Therefore in this season, you must be determined to have people call you by your name, and NOT the pre-conceived opinions they have of you. 

It's in your name...In your name is the good reputation you've earned. In your name is years and years of strong black women & men, your history; black history or otherwise. Your history is YOURS, HIS- STORY, OR HER STORY. It's yours!

So, Stop allowing yourself to be stereo-typed, reduced to one man's or woman's shallow opinion of you. 

In the words of Destiny's Child....
Make them say your name.

You've earned YOUR NAME, the right to be respected by your honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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