Saturday, February 13, 2021

2/14/21 "Recovering You"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Recovering You"

It's Valentine's Day‼

And maybe, you expect me to talk to you today about that SPOUSE THAT IS COMING...
Instead, I want to talk to you about:

• Getting Up
• Starting Over
• and Loving Yourself right where you are using The Prodigal Son:
Luke 15:11-23 NIV *paraphrased as a foundational text.

Here, we see a young man, single and ready to get out His Father's house and start his own life; wild & free of any current obligations.

He lived it up until the money ran out and he found himself in between smelling like a pig pen and starving to death. That's when he came to his senses. In that moment, He realized who he was and  that he deserved more, that he actually had more where  he was.

But like many of you, The Prodigal Son didn't want to wait. That is, UNTIL HE WAS MADE TO WAIT because nobody would give him anything, assist him on the road he was on. He had to go back to the beginning.

Beloved, God trying to get you to  go back to the beginning (start over) and do an inward explanation, discover who you were before things got wild, got out of hand.

Discover what loving yourself looks like and feels like and if you're really ready to love someone else from a place of emotional wholeness. 

God says: Some of you don't really want marriage because marriage is WORK. God says: What you really want is the ring 💍 and the wedding.  In other words, You want to be celebrated because you were not celebrated as a chld.

WOW God! 🤔
So, Guess what, The Prodigal Son's Father did when he went back home? Immediately, He put a ring on His Son's Finger and celebrated him.
Luke 15:22-23

So, What I'm I telling you? Go back to the beginning (start over). Get in a solid relationship with God and let that relationship with Your Heavenly Father be the foundation from which ALL other relationships in your life flow.

Learn to love you NOT just the adult version of you, but the childhood you.

Let God put a ring of blessing on your life and celebrate you 1st BEFORE you say "I do" in covenant with a man or woman.  NOW IS THE TIME TO RECOVER (Heal) YOU.

STUDY: Hosea 2:19-20 NIV ❤
Ezekiel 16:8 NIV ❣

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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