Saturday, February 27, 2021

2/28/21 "Refuse To Be Manipulated!"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Refuse To Be Manipulated!"

Manipulated - to be controlled or influenced by a person or situation that has been skillfully designed to promote their own agenda.

8 Then the devil led Jesus to the top of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and all the wonderful things in them.

9 The devil said, “If you will bow down and worship me, I will give you all these things.”

10 Jesus said to him, “Get away from me, Satan! The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God. Serve only him!’”
Matthew 4:8‭-‬10 ERV

In the text, the devil was trying his hardest to manipulate Jesus into doing what he wanted him to do...
He even tried to use the things of this world as an incentive to do it.

I come with a warning in my mouth: Don't let NO MAN or WO- MAN use what you got going on in MINISTRY, in BUSINESS (whatever it is, you do) as an incentive to get you to do what they want you to do.

If they've been blessed and want to sow into what you're doing, support what you're doing.... FINE, they should do so.

But if the money they're offering, the support they're offering comes with strings attached...In the words of Jesus, Tell them: "Get away from me, Satan." ...and do not bow to whatever they want you to do. Jesus didn't bow, so you don't bow.

Do not bow or be forced into a relationship you don't want,  just to get them to support you, just to secure their financial backing. 

I know that Ministry, that Business is your dream and you've put much effort into it. Eccles 5:3 AMP

And I know, you will do whatever you can to sustain it, but you don't have to allow yourself to be manipulated in the process.

Remember, God said: HE WOULD bless ALL the work of your hands. 
Deut 28:12 NIV

HE IS THE ONE that also promised to teach you how to profit. 
Isaiah 48:17 NKJ

 So, Jesus just kept giving the devil THE WORD. He refused to be tempted, to be manipulated into bowing because He KNEW who He was.
He KNEW what he  had been called to do.

KNOWING will help you not be tempted by people who jump in your inbox & start talking; clearly just a way of trying to manipulate you into something MORE.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, February 20, 2021

2/21/21 "Who Am I To You?"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Who Am I To You?"

People have a tendency to focus on one specific thing about you and make it your WHOLE identity.

AND If you are not careful to stop it, before it becomes something people just automatically associates with you, their way of defining who you are...

You will find yourself like Leah being defined by what just might be your weakest trait. "Leah HAD weak eyes, she was not weak eyed. " There's a difference. 

You are not whatever you've had to deal with physically.

In the bible, right after Leah's name is mentioned (as one of Laban's daughters) NOT even 2 minutes later, It says,  Leah had weak eyes, and that Rachael had a lovely figure & was beautiful. 
Genesis 29:16-17 NIV 

It's 2021, we should be over being known by our physical shortcomings or even by our physical "perfections".
None of which is the real you or the real me.

Notice what the bible DOES & DOESN'T say in Proverbs:

A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor is better than silver and gold. 
Proverbs 22:1 AMP 

Paraphased: A good name is more desirable than a lovely figure, the perfect eye sight, or anything materialistic.

Because again, that's not the real you. You are not your body or your eye sight; weak or otherwise, you are not your big lips etc. etc.

Therefore in this season, you must be determined to have people call you by your name, and NOT the pre-conceived opinions they have of you. 

It's in your name...In your name is the good reputation you've earned. In your name is years and years of strong black women & men, your history; black history or otherwise. Your history is YOURS, HIS- STORY, OR HER STORY. It's yours!

So, Stop allowing yourself to be stereo-typed, reduced to one man's or woman's shallow opinion of you. 

In the words of Destiny's Child....
Make them say your name.

You've earned YOUR NAME, the right to be respected by your honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, February 13, 2021

2/14/21 "Recovering You"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Recovering You"

It's Valentine's Day‼

And maybe, you expect me to talk to you today about that SPOUSE THAT IS COMING...
Instead, I want to talk to you about:

• Getting Up
• Starting Over
• and Loving Yourself right where you are using The Prodigal Son:
Luke 15:11-23 NIV *paraphrased as a foundational text.

Here, we see a young man, single and ready to get out His Father's house and start his own life; wild & free of any current obligations.

He lived it up until the money ran out and he found himself in between smelling like a pig pen and starving to death. That's when he came to his senses. In that moment, He realized who he was and  that he deserved more, that he actually had more where  he was.

But like many of you, The Prodigal Son didn't want to wait. That is, UNTIL HE WAS MADE TO WAIT because nobody would give him anything, assist him on the road he was on. He had to go back to the beginning.

Beloved, God trying to get you to  go back to the beginning (start over) and do an inward explanation, discover who you were before things got wild, got out of hand.

Discover what loving yourself looks like and feels like and if you're really ready to love someone else from a place of emotional wholeness. 

God says: Some of you don't really want marriage because marriage is WORK. God says: What you really want is the ring 💍 and the wedding.  In other words, You want to be celebrated because you were not celebrated as a chld.

WOW God! 🤔
So, Guess what, The Prodigal Son's Father did when he went back home? Immediately, He put a ring on His Son's Finger and celebrated him.
Luke 15:22-23

So, What I'm I telling you? Go back to the beginning (start over). Get in a solid relationship with God and let that relationship with Your Heavenly Father be the foundation from which ALL other relationships in your life flow.

Learn to love you NOT just the adult version of you, but the childhood you.

Let God put a ring of blessing on your life and celebrate you 1st BEFORE you say "I do" in covenant with a man or woman.  NOW IS THE TIME TO RECOVER (Heal) YOU.

STUDY: Hosea 2:19-20 NIV ❤
Ezekiel 16:8 NIV ❣

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, February 7, 2021

2/7/21 "Not Even One Stone"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Not Even One Stone"

“Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.  In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?”

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 
John 8:3-9 NIV

(Her accusers having ran away) after Jesus told them the truth about themselves that they were not worthy to throw not even ONE STONE at her.

Beloved, You must be content knowing that Jesus has acquitted you of ALL SIN charges being held against you, not because you weren't guilty, but because He is merciful. 

So, Stop worrying about who knows this, that, and the other about you. So what if they saw you! They may be an eye-witness to your actions in the earth, but who Jesus has acquitted in the earth is biblically already acquainted in Heaven.

• Remember: Jesus was in the earth physically when He made the decision to not stone her to death as the law suggested.

So thankful we serve a God that has a mind of His own and doesn't do every thing that is suggested or brought to Him.

Therefore, "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be  loosed in heaven." 
Matt18:18 NIV 

You may suffer some consequences behind some things, but That's Life.

And anybody still trying to throw a stone at you  is not  biblically addressing the situation, but acting out of their flesh.

The flesh enjoys seeing another person punished for what it too" just might" be guilty of.

In the New Testament we are told to turn the other check; basically to behavior better than they expected. 
Matt 5:38-41 NKJ

Only in the Old Testament before the mercy & grace  of Jesus does it say, Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye etc. (getting back at them for what they done).
Exodus 21

But you, You Go and Sin NO MORE. Don't get caught up in stone throwing. That's So Old Testament.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy