Sunday, April 19, 2020

4/19/20 "Your Go Moment "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Your Go Moment"

Beloved, You can't always go backwards, but you can always go forward.

Even though, An angel of the LORD told Lot to get his family and Go; so that they wouldn't be harmed when the town they had been living in gets destroyed...Lot's wife was 1/2 obedient which always equals TOTAL DISOBEDIENCE.

She got ready to go forward with her husband into whatever was next for them, but before she could get out of viewing distance of  the home they had shared, the town, the people, etc., she looked back; totally destroying any future plans God had for them as a couple.

And it's obvious that God did have future plans for them BOTH or the angel would've just told Lot to get out of town immediately and do so alone.
Genesis 19:15-26 AMPC

The revelation found here is this: Often times we make our own way harder than it has to be by choosing to focus in on the wrong things at the wrong time , or by not knowing when it's time to let a person, place, or thing go.

Can I help you? If God has told you to "Go".... Go to the neighboring city or state, go for that next level of degree, go means go forward, to look back symbolizes something that's already gone because ONLY your past is behind you now.

Instead, Use this extra time Rona has opened up for you as a blessing, as an opportunity for you to get ready, take this quarantined time to prepare your life for your go moment. No more looking back. The prophet Isaiah said: Send me, I'll go. Isaiah 6:8

It's time to go. No questions asked....Lord, we trust you now like never before and so we prepare... Get ready, get set, Go.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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