Saturday, April 11, 2020

4/12/20 "Sleeping On Jesus "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Sleeping On Jesus"

How would you feel, if the people you entrusted your pain to, went to sleep  (literally) in the midst of you going through what you're going through? Instead of being your re-inforcements  in the realm of the Spirit and helping to pray you through, they fall asleep on you.

They fall asleep...As though, your pain isn't even worth paying attention to.
So, you're on your own, all alone.

Even though, you were careful about who you decided to open up to, and bring along with you...STILL the ones you chose couldn't save you, or at least, help prepare you for what was to come.

Jesus can relate...Here, He was in the garden of Gethsemane-a place where he was being pressed;  with Him were  Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, when it is He began to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply depressed....And what did the disciples do (those who were with Him) ?...I'll tell you what they did....THEY WENT TO SLEEP ON HIM...Not once, not twice , but repeatedly. 
Matthew 26:36-46 AMPC

Beloved, Aside from Jesus being crucified and the pain it caused his physical body....I think the thing that bothers me the most is that JESUS REALLY NEEDED the disciples he chose to bring with him into his personal time of grieving, suffering and STILL they chose sleep (they chose what they needed) over what he needed in that moment.

●SOMEBODY: How can you claim to love Jesus when nothing you do is really about Jesus?

And still today, we disciples are like the colt tied up in Mark 11....Jesus sends for us and some of us still refuses to go, to serve, to minister to the LORD where there is a need.

We disciples are still sleeping  on Jesus. We'd rather rush straight to Resurrection Sunday and He got up (which I'm glad he did)...But that's  what serves us. What about all those times we fell asleep on Jesus, when we should have been watching & praying because there was something He needed. Instead we let ourselves fall into temptation; acting like the world, tempted (drawn to) the same things as the world.

Jesus...Oh Jesus...

Continued Monday Night on Prolific Fire 

Happy Resurrection Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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