Sunday, January 19, 2020

1/19/20 "Be The Better Person "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Be The Better Person"

I know it's tempting...With every fiber of your being, but don't pay them back YOURSELF.  Don't waste time seeking, plotting  your revenge. It will not be SWEET. There is no such thing as  "sweet revenge."  One stone thrown will only require another, and another. THEN  instead of settling the score, instead of ending the fight...YOU JUST STARTED A WAR.

Because you messed around and let that "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" part of you take over your emotions. Matthew 5:38 NIV 

You know that part of you, that wants to get back at them, by taking from them what they took from you. You  messed around and let anger cloud your  thinking. Now your every thought is evil towards them, spiteful towards them and it's holding you to them.

It's holding you to them in your thoughts, and in your actions because all evil does is feed what is already toxic. That's why the bible says, Don't let evil get the best of you. 
Romans 12:20-21 (MSG)

Because it does have the power to consume you and pretty soon,  if you're not careful...You'll be the person you swore you never wanted to be AGAIN in this lifetime.  

That's why I urge you; although it's hard...I urge you to  Be The Better Person. Don't let the drama going on with them undo the progress you've made within yourself. You're  better than that now. DISTANCE YOURSELF from them and began to  pray for them (those who despitefully use you).
Luke 6:28 KJV

Overcome evil by doing good to them that have wronged you (when the opportunity to do so presents itself)...Even though, you know they don't deserve it.

That's the mandate of every Christian because that's what Jesus did for us. He knew we didn't deserve it, but he still ENDURED the pain of The Cross out of obedience to the Father on our behalf and when it was finished, Jesus said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  Did his enemies deserve it,  after they'd  hurt him, insulted him, spit on him?...NO!!! But still. Jesus overcame evil with good. He did it for us, now do it ( in this case) for YOURSELF. 
Matthew 26, Luke 23

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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