Saturday, January 11, 2020

1/12/20 "Don't You Worry"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Don't You Worry"

Don't you waste another day worrying about who excluded you, blocked you, unfriended, treated you like you weren't even family...
Because all of it was in the Will Of God for you.

Had David not been excluded from his own house and the audition for the next king taking place at the house...His own brothers would have sworn it was a set up, they would have sworn David somehow set them all up to be rejected in order to make himself look good in the eyes of the prophet, Samuel.
• Read HIS Story in 1 Samuel 16

But because he was not there, he was excluded, uninvited, treated
like he wasn't even family....There is no way, they could pin what happened on David.  BELOVED, GOD IS TIRED OF PEOPLE TRYING TO PIN EVERYTHING ON YOU. So, he allowed them to get offended and exclude you, block you...So that they couldn't say, "You Were At Fault! (not this time).

David's brothers couldn't fault him for being anointed the next king and taking on a position, a promotion they wanted.... BECAUSE HE WAS NOT THERE. Sometimes, It pays to not be connected, involved all up in somebody's drama.

That way, when God snatches you up out of the field you're currently in and promotes you to something bigger and better than what you could have ever thought to ask or imagine  
(Epesians 3:20)...They will have to acknowledge that it was God.

ONLY God could force people to look at you who would have otherwise overlooked you, looking in favor of someone else; as was the case with Samuel and Eliab. He just knew Eliab was to be the next king.

And so, he ALMOST wasted oil, like you were about to waste another day worrying about who did what.

Let it go...And see the reward God has planned for you at the end of the process. There is an expected end. 
Jere 29:11 KJV

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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