Sunday, January 26, 2020

1/26/20 "Code Blue "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Code Blue"

SOMEBODY: It's seems like your life is always in a Code Blue, you're always fighting for your life, fighting for your happiness.... AND in spite of, what you might think or even be feeling right now...The truth is: God takes no pleasure in your sadness. He does however take pleasure in the prosperity of his servants meaning God likes it when you're up on your feet, doing well for yourself. 
Psalm 35:27 NKJ

But this sadness, this depression that's been trying to grab ahold of you and have a hold on you lately is not of God. Think about it: In Psalms, God is called the lifter of your head.
Psalm 3:3 NKJ

Now why would the same God that desires to lift your head, the same God that desires to change your mental posture take pleasure in your sadness? 
Sure, you will have some sad days here and there, some disappointments here and there...It's called LIFE. 

Need I remind you, how God was behind the scenes working in Joseph's life in some of the hardest seasons of his life from the pit to the palace and everything going on with him in between at Potiphar's house with Potiphar's lying wife?
Genesis 37, Genesis 41, Genesis 39

So, what if they lied on you, mistreated you, threw you away...That's still no reason to hang your head and inwardly blame God.

God is not to blame.  He's actually the one behind the scenes working it all out, making it all work together for you, just as he did for Joseph. There's a promotion coming, NOT a job promotion but a promotion where you will go from being your lowest to be your very best emotionally. Remember, Promotion comes from God and not from a particular direction.  Psalm75:6-7 AMPC
Romans 8:28

BELOVED, That's the nature of God. He wil say something like a promotion is coming to put a smile on your face when you feel like crying. That's why David said: He puts a smile on my face. HE'S MY GOD. 
Psalm 42:5 Msg

He will put smile on your face just when you're battling sadness, in a Code Blue fighting for your life, fighting for your happiness. 

Everything else is just the devil trying to steal, kill, and destroy...But God refuses to let him win. Resist the devil (by speaking the WORD, by praying the WORD and refusing to be off of God's truth).  John 10,10 James 4:7


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, January 19, 2020

1/19/20 "Be The Better Person "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Be The Better Person"

I know it's tempting...With every fiber of your being, but don't pay them back YOURSELF.  Don't waste time seeking, plotting  your revenge. It will not be SWEET. There is no such thing as  "sweet revenge."  One stone thrown will only require another, and another. THEN  instead of settling the score, instead of ending the fight...YOU JUST STARTED A WAR.

Because you messed around and let that "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" part of you take over your emotions. Matthew 5:38 NIV 

You know that part of you, that wants to get back at them, by taking from them what they took from you. You  messed around and let anger cloud your  thinking. Now your every thought is evil towards them, spiteful towards them and it's holding you to them.

It's holding you to them in your thoughts, and in your actions because all evil does is feed what is already toxic. That's why the bible says, Don't let evil get the best of you. 
Romans 12:20-21 (MSG)

Because it does have the power to consume you and pretty soon,  if you're not careful...You'll be the person you swore you never wanted to be AGAIN in this lifetime.  

That's why I urge you; although it's hard...I urge you to  Be The Better Person. Don't let the drama going on with them undo the progress you've made within yourself. You're  better than that now. DISTANCE YOURSELF from them and began to  pray for them (those who despitefully use you).
Luke 6:28 KJV

Overcome evil by doing good to them that have wronged you (when the opportunity to do so presents itself)...Even though, you know they don't deserve it.

That's the mandate of every Christian because that's what Jesus did for us. He knew we didn't deserve it, but he still ENDURED the pain of The Cross out of obedience to the Father on our behalf and when it was finished, Jesus said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  Did his enemies deserve it,  after they'd  hurt him, insulted him, spit on him?...NO!!! But still. Jesus overcame evil with good. He did it for us, now do it ( in this case) for YOURSELF. 
Matthew 26, Luke 23

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, January 11, 2020

1/12/20 "Don't You Worry"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Don't You Worry"

Don't you waste another day worrying about who excluded you, blocked you, unfriended, treated you like you weren't even family...
Because all of it was in the Will Of God for you.

Had David not been excluded from his own house and the audition for the next king taking place at the house...His own brothers would have sworn it was a set up, they would have sworn David somehow set them all up to be rejected in order to make himself look good in the eyes of the prophet, Samuel.
• Read HIS Story in 1 Samuel 16

But because he was not there, he was excluded, uninvited, treated
like he wasn't even family....There is no way, they could pin what happened on David.  BELOVED, GOD IS TIRED OF PEOPLE TRYING TO PIN EVERYTHING ON YOU. So, he allowed them to get offended and exclude you, block you...So that they couldn't say, "You Were At Fault! (not this time).

David's brothers couldn't fault him for being anointed the next king and taking on a position, a promotion they wanted.... BECAUSE HE WAS NOT THERE. Sometimes, It pays to not be connected, involved all up in somebody's drama.

That way, when God snatches you up out of the field you're currently in and promotes you to something bigger and better than what you could have ever thought to ask or imagine  
(Epesians 3:20)...They will have to acknowledge that it was God.

ONLY God could force people to look at you who would have otherwise overlooked you, looking in favor of someone else; as was the case with Samuel and Eliab. He just knew Eliab was to be the next king.

And so, he ALMOST wasted oil, like you were about to waste another day worrying about who did what.

Let it go...And see the reward God has planned for you at the end of the process. There is an expected end. 
Jere 29:11 KJV

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, January 5, 2020

1/5/20 "Self-Care"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Self- Care"

Abram's  wife Sarai had not been able to have any children.  But she owned a young Egyptian slave woman named Hagar, and Sarai said to Abram, "The Lord has not given me any children. Sleep with my slave, and if she has a child, it will be mine." Abram agreed,
and Sarai gave him Hagar to be his wife.
Genesis 16:1-3 CEV

BELOVED, Notice ONLY two people came into agreement here. Sarai and Abram agreed. Hagar was never asked if she would be willing to sleep with Abram and carry his child in her body.
So for her, there was nothing to agree on. She was a slave and she was treated as such. Sarai owned her... 
But that was OLD TESTAMENT. 

Thanks to Jesus and the NEW TESTAMENT he brought into play when he was given by God as a sacrifice for the World.
For God so loved the world that he give his only begotten Son.  John 3:16

SOMEBODY you need to know that: Your body is now The Temple of the Holy Spirit which means you house inside of you,  power. You have the power to do and not do whatever you choose. 1 Corin 6:19 NIV
The choice can no longer be made for you.  No one owns you. You don't have to sleep with, or give your body willingly or unwillingly to anybody, just so they can get what they want at your expense. You do have a say-so in what happens to you.

THIS is the New Testament and in the new testament, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and he grieves when he sees you being taken advantage of, he grieves when he sees you lowering your standards, dumbing down just to make that other person happy. He grieves. And the bible clearly tells us, Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:30 NIV. The NLT says, Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by the way you live.

Therefore, this 1st month of a New Year...Reconsider, some of your actions. The things you were forced into and the things you naively submitted to and ended up forfeiting your power.
Reconsider because Self-Care is not SELFISH...It's caring for yourself.  Something I pray you learn to do this year, unapologetically. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy