Saturday, October 26, 2019

10/27/19 "Pushed Into Marriage "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Pushed Into Marriage"

In Genesis 29
Leah was looked at a certain way, every translation making mention of her eyes, the NIV calling her eyes weak. Nevertheless, when a man (mankind in general),  spots your weakness, they will try to prey...Unfortunately, Leah in this chapter of her life had fallen prey to her own father (of all people), who pushed her into a marriage with Jacob just because she was older and had to be married before her younger sister, Rachel could be married.

SOMEBODY: You can relate because your family sees you a certain way and somebody in the family is  always pushing you to get married.

I want to give you the heads up before the holiday season gets here.

The bible says: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord....Not she who finds. If you keep attempting to find your spouse (out of the order God has put in place), you will be cutting yourself off from the favor that is attached and obtained from the woman when the man does the seeking.
Proverbs 18:22 NKJ

In Genesis 29 Leah had to go through the pain of having 3 children before regaining her praise (regaining her favor) with the 4th child whose name was Judah meaning praise; praise and favor being connected because when you praise him you create an atmosphere of favor and blessings come down.

So, Beloved, Stop letting loved ones push you into marriage or make you feel bad because you're not married.

Trust me, you'd rather be single and waiting on God's order to align your spouse into your life, the way that Boaz showed up in the right place at the right time to meet Ruth (in Ruth Chapter 3). You'd rather wait than go through the pain Leah went through for a man that just didn't love her like that. 

#MySisters: Don't jeopardize the favor that's attached to you all because you're being pushed. The right man, God's set man for your life will love your favor and be blessed to obtain it. Therefore, Wait I say, Upon the Lord. YOU'RE NOT OLD, YOU'RE JUST WISER than you used to be.

It's called growth. Everything beautiful experiences growth. Flowers grow, caterpillars grow and change into butterflies etc.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 19, 2019

10/20/19 "The Power Of Choice"


5 Minutes of Focus

"The Power Of Choice"

Ruth chose Boaz for herself, after talking to Naomi and discovering he was indeed a possible kinsman redeemer for their family. 
Read: Ruth Chapter 3

Things worked out well for Ruth after choosing Boaz for herself because a real, true Boaz has much of the same characteristics as Jesus himself. A real, true Boaz is a protector,  but he's not over-protective. There is a difference.

As many of you, have found yourself in a relationship with someone who is over- protective to the point that it's become obsessive; not wanting you out of their sight, keeping taps on your every move, monitoring your phone calls or not wanting you on the phone at all....And Beloved, That's when the power of choice, of being able to choose for yourself becomes dangerous. 

Because SOMEBODY: You feel like because you chose them and God allowed it, it's okay. IT'S NOT OKAY.

YES, God has given you the freedom to choose for yourself and not feel like a mechanical robot taking orders; beginning back in Deuteronomy 30:19 with the choice between life and death being laid out and GOD subtly suggesting that you choose LIFE.

That's just it...God wants you to choose Him, God wants you to choose LIFE, but not just in the area of salvation, but in every area, relationships included. He wants you to choose a real, true Boaz- someone who will be a protector, the way that he protects you not wanting any harm to come to you.
The Lord is your protector,
and he won't go to sleep or  let you stumble.
Psalm 121:3 CEV
(NIV) He who watches over you will not slumber.

God doesn't even allow himself to think harmful thoughts towards you. 
In Jere 29:11 NKJ He says: For I know the thoughts, NIV says: The plans I have for you to prosper you and NOT TO HARM YOU.

So, why do you think it's okay to have someone one in your life who actually plans out ways to hurt you, who acts out the harmful thoughts that come to his or her mind concerning you? That's satanic, sick, and DEFINITELY NOT BOAZ-ish.

One of the coolest scriptures in The Book of Ruth is found in Ruth 2:9 NIV:
When Boaz let's Ruth know she is safe there with him...He let's  her know that he has told the men (working for him) NOT to lay a hand on her.

#HOMEWORK: Study the book of Ruth and Boaz's  characterics/similarities to Jesus, and prayerful you will make a better choice for yourself.   BELOVED, YOU DESERVE BETTER.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 12, 2019

10/13/19 "Live Your Dreams "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Live Your Dreams"

Live Your Dreams. Make History or Be History. Which are you prepared to do?  The emotional cost of the latter, being history, never thought of again in a field that has been the very heartbeat of your existence seems unbearable, seems like too much to even fathom.

So by default (if nothing else) I pray a determination rises up in you and you are determined now more than ever to defeat every obstacle that's been in your way and live your dreams.

The pathway has been set, the ground has been broken up (especially for those of us of color) and is now fertile for you and I to take ownership. Tyler Perry is just the 1st installment of what God wants to do, even now.

To live and be able to see Tyler Perry, a man who once testified to having to live in his car, now take ownership of  his own studio as a black man in this country and LIVE IN  HIS DREAM  INSTEAD OF HIS CAR IS LEGENDARY IN ITSELF.

Somehow it just reaffirms ones faith that all things are possible to him that believeth. Mark 9:23 KJV

It will take time naturally, of course...Nobody who has or is doing wonderful things in the earth is an overnight wonder. It didn't happen overnight. 

Remember: Joseph's dream of being in charge (which turned out to be a governor position in Egypt) started when he was  just 17 years old and still at home with his dad.  Genesis 37

The dream would then take him through the pit and later on through prison (a season where he was lockdown, unable to make any real strategic moves towards his dream), only to be released into his dream at age 30. Genesis 39, Genesis 41

So, yes it will take time and you will have to put in effort. 
Ecclesiastes 5:3 AMP says:  For the dream comes through much effort....Just not as much effort, because the ground has been effectively broken up and it's fertile NOW meaning where one foot could break free, step and possess (take ownership), so can another.

Just as God said to Moses: I will give every place where you set your foot. Joshua 1:3 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 5, 2019

10/6/19 'Bring It Into The NOW'


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Bring It Into The NOW'

NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 NKJ

It's 2019 soon to be 2020  and many of you are still struggling to bring your faith into the NOW..You have faith in the past because you know what was, but because you're uncertain about the present, and even more uncertain about the future, your faith is lagging, lagging behind, needing to be updated and brought into the NOW.

The scripture says, NOW faith is...NOT faith is always NOW...It should be, but it's going to take some work on your part for faith; your faith to be in the NOW and stay in the NOW.

They same way you renew your mind to the latest trends, saying, movies and music, the same way you keep those things current, up-to-date...You must keep your faith up-to-date by renewing your mind daily in the Word of God.

In Joshua 1:8  NIV the bible tells us how to renew our mind by meditating day & night on the Book of the Law.

And Romans 12:2 NCV tells us:  Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. THEN you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect. 

BECAUSE the truth is: Some of you know exactly what's going on in the culture, with Kanye West, with The Kardashians etc...

But you have absolutely no idea what's going in the WORD from day to day and your faith, the faith you used to have is suffering because of it.

Still, faith was designed to be NOW, to be with you in the NOW, to help you get through what you're going through  NOW with a positive attitude.

But faith can't do that, if you're not reading the Word, hearing the Word, putting it in your ears because faith comes by hearing. Romans 10:17 NKJ
Just food for thought.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy