Sunday, September 29, 2019

9/30/19 "Making The Hole Count"


Topic of the Month: Making The Hole Count

Foundational Text 
Mark 2:1-4 CEV
1  Jesus went back to Capernaum, and
a few days later people heard that he
was at home.
2  Then so many of them came to the house that there wasn't even standing 
room left in front of the door. 
Jesus was still teaching. 
3 when four people came up, carrying a man on a mat because he could not walk.
4 But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus.
So they made a hole in the roof above and let the man down in front of everyone. 

The four people in the text ended up making a hole in the roof of Jesus' house.

Therefore, this month, I want to talk to you about making the hole count, making whatever you do count for something and don't just be  out here, doing stuff just to be doing it.

BELOVED, You have too much purpose on your life to hang around with people who don't take their time on this earth seriously....You have too much purpose on your life to BE THAT PERSON who is careless with time and just randomly reacts without thinking.

No in this season...Everything you do must be done on purpose, even the hole you make or find yourself in must be made to count for something.

The four people in the text made that hole in the roof of Jesus' house count for something...That hole was their way of giving their friend the opportunity he needed, but couldn't give himself, a chance for him to heal and recover from a situation that had him bound in a position of defeat. They made that hole count for something. 

Any time you're unable to stand on your own two feet for whatever reason....You're in a position of defeat. Whether you made the hole they're putting you down in or not.

FOR EXAMPLE: I believe that Joseph's brothers putting him in the pit was wrong....But I also believe he (Joseph) was partially to blame for being in the pit, trapped in a hole with no water (or food either, for that matter).

You see, Joseph had it bad watching his brothers and then going back (reporting it), telling on them to their Father, Isarel.  He was their father's snitch-man and nobody likes a snitch. So, in all, they  just got tired of being under Joseph's microscope, knowing he was a snitch, but not just a snitch...He was also their father's favorite and him having the dreams of them bowing to him was just the last straw and is really what set things off in a destructive way.
Genesis 37:2-24 NKJ

Still whether you were partially to blame for the pit, for the hole you found yourself in like Joseph or not...Make it count for something, don't just let it be something that you done or that was done to you with no significant reason for it in the end.
Remember all things work (didn't say it felt good or was good, but it works) together for the good....
Romans 8:28

Joseph made his moment in that pit, in that hole count for something when he made it to Egypt and was able to save many lives, lives of others who were now in some form of a pit; including his own family who found themselves in a famine pit and desperately needed food.
Genesis 50:20

Make it count.
Meditation Points:

1). In this season especially....Be careful who you hang out with or around. Bad company corrupts good character.
1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV

2). Ask God to teach you how to use your time wisely (as our limited time on this earth is no joking matter).
Psalm 90:12 CEV.

3). All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

4). There is a purpose seek it out or don't be apart of whatver it is.
Romans 8:28

5). God rescued you from that pit, from that hole on purpose for a purpose.
Somebody: You didn't just get delivered from depression for nothing.
You were delivered from that pit, from that dark hole for a purpose.
Romans 8:28

6.)  There is life after the pit ...
Joseph became govenor of Egypt, second in command after the pit & prison.
Genesis 37, Genesis 41 NIV

7). It was all worth it, that hole ( in Jesus'roof) was worth it and counted for something significant in the life of that disable man, when he could now walk on his own, no longer needing to be carried.

So, BELOVED, Pray about it ...THEN find away to make that hole count .
God is on YOUR side!

Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV
Call or Text: 865-408-8690
Or Email Me:

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 💜

Saturday, September 28, 2019

9/29/19 "Make It Plural "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Make It Plural"

Philip 4:6 NIV
DO NOT be anxious about anything, but in EVERY situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving , present your requests (plural) meaning more than one...Present your REQUESTS to God.

BELOVED, As long as stuff is not the ONLY reason, you're coming to God... It's okay to ask God for more than one thing. 

As long as you're not just trying to treat God like your personal sugar daddy or Santa Claus, as long as you're not trying to take advantage of his agape love for you by testing that love, just to see what you can get. You know, the way you might put a man or woman's love for you through the test.

As long as that's not the case...THEN God doesn't mind you taking advantage of the opportunity to ask for more than one thing.
Make It Plural.

He more than anyone else knows, you need things to make it in this world. That's why in The Bible you repeatedly find scriptures like:

But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right--- the attitude and character of God), and these THINGS (plural) will be given to you as well.
Matt 6:33 AMP

THINGS (plural) will be given to you when you are living right, exemplifying the character of God and not of someone whose just out to get what you can get. So, check that " hustler mentality " at the door.

He wants to show you THINGS you don't know so you can be knowledgeable and successful in this world where so much is questionable.
Jere 33:3 NKJ 
Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty THINGS (plural), which you do not know.

So, Make It Plural. You're not doing anything wrong. Remember you're not in religion (like many of you were taught), but you're in a relationship with God. A real relationship where you don't have to put him through the test or play games, but you can just ask....and as long as what you're asking is ACCORDING TO HIS WILL and not some absurd things that are UNGODLY (outside of His Will), you shall receive.
John 15:7 AMP
That's bible.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, September 21, 2019

9/22/19 "Thoughts Of Peace"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Thoughts Of Peace"

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 NKJ

God has thoughts of peace when he thinks of you.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but...There's no evil in God's heart where you are concerned. 
He's not doing anything to block or hinder your future.

Beloved, God is love (1 John 4:8) and he desires to show you that hope still exist in love. You don't have to give up on your dreams or compromise yourself to have a life that's fitting to everybody else's standard.

No, God has your future all planned out. He knows what he's doing. Read Jere 29:11 from the Message bible

Your future is not supposed to look like anybody else's because you are not them and they are not you.
God has called you to a different standard.

God has called you to a different standard, but the devil is trying to get you to lower that standard by lowering your standard and accepting something or someone you shouldn't.

THEN next thing you know, here comes all these thoughts that God must be mad, upset with you because NOTHING ever works out for you. That's just  the devil trying to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus has come to give you life and life more abundantly.  John 10:10 NKJ

It's time you fought back against these mental attacks you've been having and know that God's thoughts toward you are of peace, so you can be at peace. I decree & declare it NOW...
In Jesus name. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 15, 2019

9/15/19 "Shift Control "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Shift  Control"

"Lord, if it's you. Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
Matthew 14:28 NIV

When you are unsure, when you just don't know... Be like Peter and ask the Lord to tell you to come, to go, to stay, what have you. If it's indeed Him and that's something he wants you to do... Ask him to get involved and give you feedback. Instead of you trying to tell him what you want him to do.
Shift Control.

Give God the permission he needs to intervene in your life, to get all up in your business, and tell you what to do. Give him the control.
Allow him to tell you what to do for a change.

Beloved, you can't boss God around like you do some people. God is not your employee. He is not for hire, nor can he be fired.

You must remember Jesus in John 15:16 was quick to let us know that: He chose us, we didn't choose him which means the purpose and plan for ANYTHING concerning us still has to come through him.

Now, you can plan to do what you want to do, as a adult, that is your right and that's always a choice.
But don't forget the bible says:
You can make many plans, but the LORD's purpose  will prevail.
Proverbs 19:21 NLT

So, My point is: Why not save yourself some time and energy, trying to do something other than what is the Lord's purpose for you, something the bible says will not prevail...Why not just ask the Lord upfront?

"Lord, if it is you...tell me to come." Peter had the right idea. Even though, walking on the water was something he really wanted to try.

He knew enough to ask God's permission....He knew enough to Shift  Control and not try to be his own boss or to try to boss or control God.

Ask. Get God's Permission.  Proceed with caution .If his answer is indeed come or go... But if in your spirit, you hear or feel you need to stay....Do so in faith, knowing it's not a delay. It could be, that the timing is not right yet for such a bold move.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 8, 2019

9/8/19 "Famine In Your Finances "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Famine In Your Finances "

After the Prodigal Son had spent  everything, there was  a severe famine in that whole country and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.

Luke 15:14-15 NIV

Sometimes circumstances will force you to take a job you really don't want, force you to work a job you can't stand; the atmosphere itself  just stinks.

But still you show up there, prepared to work and all the while, your mind is working on something else, you are coming to your senses. Like the Prodigal Son, you are coming to your senses and your escape root is becoming visible.

SOMEBODY: You know what you must get up and do...Just like the Podigal Son, you know what you must get up and do. It's time to stop being passive, not everybody will be happy about your comeback, but God has left the door open for you to come back.

Now, when you get back in "that place"... The place that is so familiar to you, that place where you don't have to worry about money or try to budget what you do have because famine has hit your finances...Some will celebrate  you and some will go right on hating you.

While, other's hatred of you will really just turn out to be jealousy among family.

Read Luke 15 starting at verse 11 in its entirety. 

Yet, inspite of all the upset and drama, you being back in your rightful place will cause...God still has material things waiting on you, because he doesn't mind you having things. The bible actually says:

No good THING will God withhold for those that walk uprightly

Psalm 84:11 KJV

Therefore, God has a house along with jewelry and clothing waiting on somebody....Is it you?

Tough things out for now (temporarily)...But the 1st chance you get, you do what you know you need to do and GET OUT OF THERE. God has plans for your comeback, plans for your future. Jere 29:11 Get in position to receive and KEEP GOD 1ST in everything; material things and otherwise.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess  Stacy