Saturday, February 23, 2019

2/24/19 "God the Heart breaker"


5 Minutes of Focus

" God the Heart breaker"

God had to break Saul's heart in order to get all that evil that was in his heart out. In order to change him from the evil, murderous, satanic worshiper that he was. 

God had to break Saul in order to make him over into the Apostle Paul. 

I can tell you right now: Some of the things you thought were the devil or that other person was God breaking your heart.

God made them abandon you, God made them talk about you and it get back to you word for word. It was God that made you cry.

The same way, he made Saul fall off his high horse, go blind, and his friends who were with him not see what was happening.  Acts 9:1-12 NIV

Making you cry is the only way, some of you would ever cry out to God for real. It's sad, but it's true.

As long as everything is going your way, as long as you're happy....You have no need for God or so you think.

But God has need of you, just like he had need of that colt in Mark 11 and had it untied. God is untying you from some things and people. God the Heart breaker is breaking your heart to give himself a way into your heart. 

In order to be close to you, because he's close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18 NIV...God is breaking you, breaking your heart.

Just like he did Saul, he's removing all that evil, murderous, satanic behavior that led you to be in relationships you didn't need to be in, doing ungodly things in general. 

God is breaking you, breaking your heart...Otherwise, Beloved you will never know what's best for you, because it's God who teaches you what is best for you and leads you in the direction you should go,...NOT that man or woman, that person you're so fascinated with. Isaiah 48:17 NIV

God is breaking the hold they have on you by breaking you, by breaking your heart ONLY to mend it back later, stronger than ever....He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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