Sunday, February 17, 2019

2/17/19 "Finished & Settled"


5 Minutes of Focus 

" Finished & Settled"

God does not see you in your sin, He sees you in His Son...

But because you're having a hard time forgiving yourself, forgivng what God has already forgave, you think God is looking at you full of judgment. 

Nevermind, that God has said out of his own mouth, "I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. Hebrews 8:12 NIV 

You think God is looking at you full of  judgment, ready to crack the whip on you. You think you will never be worthy of salvation, worthy of deliverance.

BELOVED, Get out of your own head, with your own thoughts that don't match God's thoughts at all. He's not thinking about the person you used to be, the person you sometimes feel you still are.

He has thrown your sins away somewhere between the east and the west meaning he doesn't keep your sins, he doesn't keep your past in close range, constantly reviewing your shortcomings.

Psalm 103:12 CEV

No, Instead, He looks at you and sees His Son and remembers Jesus on The Cross and how he said, "It Is Finished." John 19:28-30 NIV

The pain, the hurt people caused you,  the pain, the hurt you caused people. It is finished. Your sin debt has been settled.

Don't take yourself back into the bondage of sin by looking back. Overthinking and reminiscing on the past works against your future.

You must be forward- thinking, forward-moving.

You can't afford to be like Lot's wife looking back at your past, when God is and has already moved you forward, away from all that sinful mess you used to know.

SOMEBODY: It is finished!!! Finished & Settled....Accept it and Move on.

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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