Thursday, February 28, 2019

2/28/19 "There's More Than One Way To See What You're Going Through"

"There Is More Than One Way To See What You're Going Through"

For example: Jesus was sleep in the same boat, the disciples were trying to keep afloat.The disciples were panicking, but yet Jesus found that same boat to be peaceful, peaceful enough to sleep (to close his eyes and take a nap in).
Mark 4:35-41 CEV
Sometimes we get struck seeing things a certain way, that when someone comes along with a different perspective, we don't know how to take it.
The disciples didn't know how to take Jesus response to the storm and seeing him act out his faith and speak to the storm really spooked them, especially when the storm obeyed him.
They were spooked, totally panicking... When all Jesus was trying to do was teach them how to handle a storm. They missed the simple pointers, he was trying to convey to them...They were too focused on how Jesus as a man (walking this earth), just like them could speak and MAKE a storm, a force of nature obey him.

● But you don't have to miss it...Don't miss the lesson, don't miss Jesus, by looking too much at his humanity side. Here's the point...

Meditation Points:

1. There is authority in your tongue (in your mouth) and it's okay to talk back to what's trying to destroy you. You don't have to succumb to fear. You don't have to just accept that there is nothing you can do.
● Death and life are in the power of the tongue ( in the power of your tongue).
 Prov 18:21 NKJ

● You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Philip 4:13

2. God has not given you the Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind...You have a sound mind and you will not break under the pressure. You are still powerful despite what you're going through. 
2 Tim 1:7 NKJ

● As a result, death, defeat, debt, and disaster are not an option for you.

3. Death is real, but so is life. So, take your chances; take your faith powered by the WORD of God and speak life.

● Remember: You can make a decision...You can decide and decree a thing and it be established for you.
That's the Word of God!
Job 22:28 NIV

4. Therefore, You can have peace in the midst of any storm, if you decide to choose tranquility over chaos.

5. You can have rest (comfort) over anxiety if you choose to be still (stop frantically moving about, not knowing)....And know (put  your confidence in the fact) that He is God and you are not. Therefore, It's not your responsibility to fix everything that's going on.

● Be still and know that He is God. 
Psalm 46:10 NIV

● The psalmist said:
In  the multitude of my anxieties within me, 
Your comforts delight my soul.
Psalm 94:19 NKJ

6. Last but not least: Relinquish control and humble yourself...That's what Jesus did and was able to sleep. He had given his surroundings and every thing that could possibly concern him over to the Father.

●The Lord will perfect that which concerns you.
Psalm 138:8 NKJ

Father God,
Help every person reading this, embrace the power you have placed in them and stop being fearful, thinking it's somehow "spooky" to talk back to that storm, talk back to that situation that's coming against them.

Help them call their atmosphere, their environment, their households into obedience. 

● Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 
2 Corin 10:5 NKJ

In Jesus name, Amen.

Until Next Month. 
I am HERE for you.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

2/24/19 "God the Heart breaker"


5 Minutes of Focus

" God the Heart breaker"

God had to break Saul's heart in order to get all that evil that was in his heart out. In order to change him from the evil, murderous, satanic worshiper that he was. 

God had to break Saul in order to make him over into the Apostle Paul. 

I can tell you right now: Some of the things you thought were the devil or that other person was God breaking your heart.

God made them abandon you, God made them talk about you and it get back to you word for word. It was God that made you cry.

The same way, he made Saul fall off his high horse, go blind, and his friends who were with him not see what was happening.  Acts 9:1-12 NIV

Making you cry is the only way, some of you would ever cry out to God for real. It's sad, but it's true.

As long as everything is going your way, as long as you're happy....You have no need for God or so you think.

But God has need of you, just like he had need of that colt in Mark 11 and had it untied. God is untying you from some things and people. God the Heart breaker is breaking your heart to give himself a way into your heart. 

In order to be close to you, because he's close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18 NIV...God is breaking you, breaking your heart.

Just like he did Saul, he's removing all that evil, murderous, satanic behavior that led you to be in relationships you didn't need to be in, doing ungodly things in general. 

God is breaking you, breaking your heart...Otherwise, Beloved you will never know what's best for you, because it's God who teaches you what is best for you and leads you in the direction you should go,...NOT that man or woman, that person you're so fascinated with. Isaiah 48:17 NIV

God is breaking the hold they have on you by breaking you, by breaking your heart ONLY to mend it back later, stronger than ever....He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

2/17/19 "Finished & Settled"


5 Minutes of Focus 

" Finished & Settled"

God does not see you in your sin, He sees you in His Son...

But because you're having a hard time forgiving yourself, forgivng what God has already forgave, you think God is looking at you full of judgment. 

Nevermind, that God has said out of his own mouth, "I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. Hebrews 8:12 NIV 

You think God is looking at you full of  judgment, ready to crack the whip on you. You think you will never be worthy of salvation, worthy of deliverance.

BELOVED, Get out of your own head, with your own thoughts that don't match God's thoughts at all. He's not thinking about the person you used to be, the person you sometimes feel you still are.

He has thrown your sins away somewhere between the east and the west meaning he doesn't keep your sins, he doesn't keep your past in close range, constantly reviewing your shortcomings.

Psalm 103:12 CEV

No, Instead, He looks at you and sees His Son and remembers Jesus on The Cross and how he said, "It Is Finished." John 19:28-30 NIV

The pain, the hurt people caused you,  the pain, the hurt you caused people. It is finished. Your sin debt has been settled.

Don't take yourself back into the bondage of sin by looking back. Overthinking and reminiscing on the past works against your future.

You must be forward- thinking, forward-moving.

You can't afford to be like Lot's wife looking back at your past, when God is and has already moved you forward, away from all that sinful mess you used to know.

SOMEBODY: It is finished!!! Finished & Settled....Accept it and Move on.

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, February 9, 2019

2/10/19 "I Just Can't With The Process"


5 Minutes Of Focus


"I Just Can't With The Process"

Mary Magdalene was standing at Jesus's tomb crying, she was standing at his grave sight grieving. Her eyes were literally seeing more than her mind could process. She just couldn't... and so the tears were there, falling from her eyes as a way of releasing the hurt and anger she felt inside.

John 20:11-16 NIV 

SOMEBODY: You know exactly how it feels to be so broken in strength, broken in courage,  broken in faith to the point that you feel alone and withdrawn from it all. You try to get answers to "somehow" soften the blow of what you're feeling, only to find, there are no easy answers.

Now, the angels in John 20 started out with a question for Mary, but didn't bother to keep the dialogue going back and forth between them and her; leaving her mind to really wonder, "What's Going On?" ● In the words of Mr. Marvin Gaye. 🎶

Beloved, many of you, your mind is wondering. racing, with so many unanswered questions. In light of everything going on in this country right now. Your heart aches (grieves) for the place, the society you once knew; back when it was safe for kids to grow up, safe to just live, back when people really loved or at least acted concerned.

But now a days, sin is (more) rampant everywhere and the love of many has grown cold; not it will happen, it has. Matthew 24:12 NLT

Still, Jesus is near...He bottles and counts all your tears which means he knows, how much you're going through, exactly what each tear is costing you.  Psalm 56:8 CEV

Turn to Him even more now. In the midst of this world's hell, you can still find HEAVEN in Him. Keep crying out and he will come to you, like he came to Mary Magdalene, call you by name and answer your questions, giving you proof he still exist and he cares. Your tears are prayers written (unofficially) in a code only He understands. 

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

2/3/19 "It's Just So Hard To Trust, To Believe"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"It's Just So Hard ToTrust, To Believe"

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.

1 Corin 2:9 NLT 

I know you don't mean to be, but you are a very suspicious person by nature, even towards God.

You are so used to people hiding something from you, that you're finding it hard to trust what you don't see.

You're finding it hard to trust that more than, what you have now even exist. So, for you to trade what you can see, for what you can't see seems like pure foolishness (especially now).

You know the scripture says, No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind imagined....That's not the problem. The problem is that YOUR eye has not seen, YOUR ear has not heard, YOUR mind has not imagined ..and your faith is struggling. 

Like Thomas you need to see for yourself, before you let yourself believe....Sadly though, there are Christians out there, that will give you a hard time for not believing on their level and label you as doubting.

John 20:24-27 NIV

But for you, it goes much deeper than doubting...You still see yourself as that little girl, that little boy your dad disappointed. You wanted the relationship, you wanted him to surprise you with toys, big toys; most of all, you just wanted him, but...

He never came through.. So now, you struggle with believing Jesus, believing that God has something better prepared for you.

Though you love him, you're not ready to trust him like that just yet.

It's for you that I pray.

Father God,

Heal the hurt that no one ever bothers to ask about, before assuming.

Wrap your presence around whoever needs this message today, Father. Heal the past. Heal, so that it will stop interfering with the present and the future of your children who are currently struggling to trust, to believe. This too shall pass.

In Jesus name.  AMEN.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy