Thursday, January 31, 2019



"Anger Out, Healing In"

Naaman was angry and didn't want to dip himself in the Jordan 7xs to receive his healing...Still, every second he spent being angry only delayed his healing.
2 Kings 5 NIV

Beloved, All that old stuff you're holding on to must be released, old grudges must be released out your system, in order for your system to completely heal.

Stop delaying your healing. If you're honest, you know, you've been doing more than going to bed angry (which the bible warns us not to do)...You've been waking up angry, you've been living with anger. Ephes 4:26 CEV

And anger never is a good roommate for anyone to be living with. It takes up too much space, it takes up too much of your time and energy, trying to maintain its reason for existing and remaining in you.

That anger will argue its point....Constantly reminding you of why you're right to feel like you feel, why you have a right to be angry, reminding you of what was said or done that provoked you to anger to begin with.

It won't just up and go away, you won't just get over it in time, but you must put the neccessary work in to evict it.

That anger can't stay, but must get out, in order for the healing you need to come in...The bible puts it like this: 
No one pours new wine into old wineskins.
The wine would swell and burst the old skins.
Then the wine would be lost,
and the skins would be ruined.
New wine must be put into new wineskins
Mark 2:22 CEV

Meditation Points:

● Beloved, You don't want to loss out on the new, God is trying to bring to you this year by holding on to the old.

● There is no place in your old attitude for the new perspective God wants to give you.

● A new perspective leads to healing because you can now see and receive things differently. 

●When Naaman got a new perspective (after being counseled by his servants
 2 Kings 5:13 NIV)...He decided to cooperate with God's process and receive his healing. 

●Just like Naaman decided....It's a decision for you too. Will you choose anger or healing?
What's flowing in you right now?
Will you work on releasing the negative by working on your own thought pattern?
You can't keep going back to that same, old, familiar scenario and expect to be healed, somehow changed.

● Don't allow the old to ruin the new....Stop trying to mix the two. It won't work. You will never find the peace you deserve like that, you will never find  peace or a sense of peace that works for you like that.

● For every minute you remain angry,
you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This month, I've given you much to think about...So, Selah (Pause and think about that).

Here if you need me.
Call or Text: 865-408-8690

C'ya Next Month.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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