Sunday, January 27, 2019

1/27/19 "Come To God Unhealed"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Come To God Unhealed"

I wonder if Mother Goose knew the wisdom she was dropping on the world, when she wrote that one nursery rhyme. You know the one, the one we all know as "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall."

When she let Humpty fall off that wall and couldn't no one put him back together again, couldn't no one help Humpty be whole again, back to his normal self again.


Many of you can relate though... Because you've suffered a fall, an injury, a physical fall, an emotional fall even, where you fell in love with the wrong person etc. Whatever your injury type, you haven't been the same since. You are still trying to find your way back to wholeness, your way back to normal.

Like Humpty, you've learned enough about life to know that no one is going to ride in on some king's horse and scoop you up. As a matter of fact, the longer you depend on man, or wo- man the longer you will stay broken.

God is the only King that can put you back together without requesting to know all your personal business. He doesn't have to request that you show him, tell him etc., because He knows.

He made you (formed you) in your mother's womb, long before this world would get a crack at breaking you, breaking down your self- esteem. So, He knows.

Psalm 139

He knows how to lift your head up out of that pain, out of that shame. He is the lifter of your head.

He's your shepherd that will cause you to not want.

Touching and healing all is kinda his specialty.

All areas of pain, all issues, all conditions...All means all.

Psalm 107:20 Psalm 3:3 Psalm 23:1

So, You can come to Him as unhealed as you are.

You can talk your ish over with God, if you desire to and you're the talkative type. I, the LORD invite you to come and talk it over...Isaiah 1:18 CEV

 He welcomes your words. That's why He gave you 66 books filled with His words so that it would be a fair exchange of dialogue. 

But as I said earlier...You don't have to tell him, because He knows.

So, Beloved, If you wanna just sit quietly in His presence that's okay too.

The psalmist said:

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

Psalm 62:5 NLT

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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