Thursday, January 31, 2019



"Anger Out, Healing In"

Naaman was angry and didn't want to dip himself in the Jordan 7xs to receive his healing...Still, every second he spent being angry only delayed his healing.
2 Kings 5 NIV

Beloved, All that old stuff you're holding on to must be released, old grudges must be released out your system, in order for your system to completely heal.

Stop delaying your healing. If you're honest, you know, you've been doing more than going to bed angry (which the bible warns us not to do)...You've been waking up angry, you've been living with anger. Ephes 4:26 CEV

And anger never is a good roommate for anyone to be living with. It takes up too much space, it takes up too much of your time and energy, trying to maintain its reason for existing and remaining in you.

That anger will argue its point....Constantly reminding you of why you're right to feel like you feel, why you have a right to be angry, reminding you of what was said or done that provoked you to anger to begin with.

It won't just up and go away, you won't just get over it in time, but you must put the neccessary work in to evict it.

That anger can't stay, but must get out, in order for the healing you need to come in...The bible puts it like this: 
No one pours new wine into old wineskins.
The wine would swell and burst the old skins.
Then the wine would be lost,
and the skins would be ruined.
New wine must be put into new wineskins
Mark 2:22 CEV

Meditation Points:

● Beloved, You don't want to loss out on the new, God is trying to bring to you this year by holding on to the old.

● There is no place in your old attitude for the new perspective God wants to give you.

● A new perspective leads to healing because you can now see and receive things differently. 

●When Naaman got a new perspective (after being counseled by his servants
 2 Kings 5:13 NIV)...He decided to cooperate with God's process and receive his healing. 

●Just like Naaman decided....It's a decision for you too. Will you choose anger or healing?
What's flowing in you right now?
Will you work on releasing the negative by working on your own thought pattern?
You can't keep going back to that same, old, familiar scenario and expect to be healed, somehow changed.

● Don't allow the old to ruin the new....Stop trying to mix the two. It won't work. You will never find the peace you deserve like that, you will never find  peace or a sense of peace that works for you like that.

● For every minute you remain angry,
you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This month, I've given you much to think about...So, Selah (Pause and think about that).

Here if you need me.
Call or Text: 865-408-8690

C'ya Next Month.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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Sunday, January 27, 2019

1/27/19 "Come To God Unhealed"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Come To God Unhealed"

I wonder if Mother Goose knew the wisdom she was dropping on the world, when she wrote that one nursery rhyme. You know the one, the one we all know as "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall."

When she let Humpty fall off that wall and couldn't no one put him back together again, couldn't no one help Humpty be whole again, back to his normal self again.


Many of you can relate though... Because you've suffered a fall, an injury, a physical fall, an emotional fall even, where you fell in love with the wrong person etc. Whatever your injury type, you haven't been the same since. You are still trying to find your way back to wholeness, your way back to normal.

Like Humpty, you've learned enough about life to know that no one is going to ride in on some king's horse and scoop you up. As a matter of fact, the longer you depend on man, or wo- man the longer you will stay broken.

God is the only King that can put you back together without requesting to know all your personal business. He doesn't have to request that you show him, tell him etc., because He knows.

He made you (formed you) in your mother's womb, long before this world would get a crack at breaking you, breaking down your self- esteem. So, He knows.

Psalm 139

He knows how to lift your head up out of that pain, out of that shame. He is the lifter of your head.

He's your shepherd that will cause you to not want.

Touching and healing all is kinda his specialty.

All areas of pain, all issues, all conditions...All means all.

Psalm 107:20 Psalm 3:3 Psalm 23:1

So, You can come to Him as unhealed as you are.

You can talk your ish over with God, if you desire to and you're the talkative type. I, the LORD invite you to come and talk it over...Isaiah 1:18 CEV

 He welcomes your words. That's why He gave you 66 books filled with His words so that it would be a fair exchange of dialogue. 

But as I said earlier...You don't have to tell him, because He knows.

So, Beloved, If you wanna just sit quietly in His presence that's okay too.

The psalmist said:

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

Psalm 62:5 NLT

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, January 19, 2019

1/20/19 "Shut The Door"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Shut The Door"

20 When he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.

21 And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, shut the door upon him, and went out.

2 Kings 4:20-21 NKJ

Sometimes you can't afford to keep the door open....No matter how much you love that person, how much you love that thing. 

Sometimes you must shut the door and trust God to work it out.

HEAR ME: If that person, if that thing was really a blessing given to you by God...That relationship, that friendship will be restored to you, all roads will lead you back to that place and to that thing.

Mother, you don't have to cry. Shut the door.

Father, you don't have to bare the frustration. Shut the door.

Man or woman. Shut the door.

God knows what you're going through, but he also knows what he promised you. 

Therefore, Shut the door and seek counsel, godly counsel.

Because 2 things I know, God is not a man that he should lie. Numbers 23:19

And Job was out of his mind with grief when he said, "The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away." Job 1:21 NASB

The LORD doesn't give and take away...He simply removes this person, removes that person or thing when he sees fit to do so. There is a difference.

Takes away implies cruelty, but removing implies making room, protecting, shielding you for what you know not of.

So, Shut the door...It's going to be alright...In the words of The Shunammite Woman featured in the text: "It Is Well." 2 Kings 4:25-26 NKJ

● Read 2 Kings Chapter 4 to fully understand why it's okay to shut the door.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

1/13/19 "Let Me Pray For You"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Let Me Pray For You"

36 Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and He told His disciples, Sit down here while I go over yonder and pray.

37 And taking with Him Peter and two sons of Zebedee, He began to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply depressed. 

Matt 26:36-37 AMPC

Jesus was deeply depressed...

Now, If Jesus had a bout with depression...Then it comes as no surprise that the same mental attack he faced and defeated would try to re-emerge and attack us. 

That's right, attack us...Us, because you need to know you're not alone in your grief, in distress or depression right now. We have all experienced what you're feeling now in one way or another, even Jesus.

Need I  remind you of the bloody sweat that run across Jesus's forehead and fell to the ground when he was in the garden of Gethsemane, grieving, stressed out and depressed just prior to the HARDEST decision of His earthly ministry...The Cross wasn't easy, you know.

Luke 22:44 NIV

However, You need to be reminded that the same blood, the blood of Jesus that run across his forehead in the garden of Gethsemane is guarding your mind, guarding your spirit now. You will not breakdown in the midst of that decision, in the midst of that situation. Grief and stress will not swallow you up, depression will not take you out. You will not die, but LIVE. 

Psalm 118:17

You are coming up out of that, you will get your energy back, you will get your interest-level back up. Hope is not gone for you. The devil is just TRYING to do the only thing he knows to do which is: Steal, Kill, and Destroy, but Jesus said, I have come to give you LIFE. Life, abundant life, a life he so richly wants you to enjoy. 

John 10:10,  1 Tim 6:17

"Let Me Pray For You" 

Father God,

Align the mind and emotions of every person reading this with your WORD.

 Remind them that healing is the children's bread, so mentally and physically they can receive healing.

Healing for the mind, healing for their emotions.

SOMEBODY: I plead the blood of Jesus over your mind, the stability of mind and your emotions right now!!!...

In Jesus name. 


● As you can see, this week I included my contact info ..

"Let Me Pray For You."

Until I Hear From You Or Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, January 5, 2019

1/6/19 "Catch This In Your Spirit"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Catch This In Your Spirit"

Solomon asked God for a discerning heart, for understanding in how to lead His people, not for long life, wealth, or the death of his enemies etc. This pleased God. So, He granted Solomon the wisdom he asked for AND wealth in addition to the wisdom.

1 Kings 3:1-15 NIV

Now just imagine what would have happened if Solomon had got distracted and dropped the ball and instead of asking for the wisdom he needed to fulfill his God given assignment...He decided to ask for revenge on his enemies.

That one distraction in the flesh would have cost him as a leader and cost him his bank account too because where there is no wisdom, there is no wealth.

Catch This In Your Spirit:The devil wants you distracted and unable to catch the ball (the opportunity thrown your way).

Solomon had sowed a seed and this was his opportunity to ask God for whatever he needed.

Some of you think, you can't afford to sow a seed, but what you really can't afford to do is be distracted this year.

Distraction will cost you in MORE THAN ONE AREA OF YOUR LIFE.

One distraction can cost you in leadership (in your business, on your job, in your marriage etc.) AND cost you your bank account too, your healing too, the wisdom, the direction you needed too.

SOMEBODY: You can't be distracted and catch a ball...Stay focused this year. Sow your seeds this year and watch the doors (opportunities) be opened this year.

Catch This In Your Spirit. Catch the ball. Don't drop it.

Don't get distracted.

Until Next Sunday. 

HaPpY New YeAR!!! 📯🎷📣


LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy