Sunday, January 28, 2018

1/28/18 "Be Still"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Be Still"

If ever that needs to be a COMMAND from God...It's  now.
It seems like we're all just so busy. So busy to the point, that some of us, don't even remember how to be still.  Others of us, we don't want to be still because "busyness" has become our drug of choice.

Yet we cannot keep ignoring the scripture that says: "Be Still" and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

If we really want to know God, then 1st, we must practice being still...5 Minutes here. 5 Minutes there..Just be still and listen.

Remember: In 1Kings 19 God's voice was not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a gentle whisper. Jesus (himself) had to steal away to a secluded place to pray (to hear from God). Luke 5:16 AMP

Beloved, Our  individual worlds are confused because we don't make time to steal away. Our spirits are confused, looking, yearning for the voice of God and not social media. Yearning not for the voice of our favorite preacher, not the voice, even, of that special friend or family member (all that's good, but nothing or no one can replace a DIRECT WORD from God).

We must be still ya'll...To hear God, we must "Be Still."  Stop actively chasing what God said would be added (automatically), if we would just seek the Kingdom (seek Him) 1st. Matt 6:33

Focus Points:

Steal away and then you will KNOW...Know God by knowing His WORD.

The same way, We know our children by their voices and certain things, they say and do that's in character with their personality....God is no different.

He wants us to know him in His WORD, then His WORD will make the characteristics of his Voice clearer, recognizable.

"Be Still"...I bind this 21st Century drug of choice called, "busyness."

The truth is: We are NEVER too busy to do and hear what we really want. Something or someone always has our attention/ear.

It's time we made God a priority...Now, Go somewhere and "Be Still.">>> Journal your experience with God.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, January 21, 2018

1/21/18 "Here I Am!"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Here I Am!"

"Here I Am!" refreshing words to a weary soul that needs to know that Jesus is still tangible, available, present in this life with us.

Rev 3:20 NIV starts off with: Here I Am! (going on to say);
I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

This scripture is so special to me, because it's through this scripture, that the Holy Spirit taught me about "The Mannerisms Of God".
God is a gentleman... Jesus is a gentleman.

He stands at the door and knocks- waiting for you to hear and make the decision to let him in.
He stands at the door and knocks - waiting for permission, waiting, wanting his relationship with you to be consensual, not forced or in violation of your will.

Beloved,  Hear Me: Jesus will never force himself on you, take advantage of you, or seek to manipulate you....For those of you that have suffered abuse (of any kind) that's super important for you to know.

SOMEBODY: God wants you to know that accepting him, accepting the Holy Spirit,  accepting Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOUR will not be like any other relationship you've ever been in.

A relationship with Jesus will not remind you of your father, remind you of your parents, remind you of that ex boyfriend or girlfriend that did you wrong, that did not know how to take care of you properly.

Jesus is proper and God is fit. He's fit..He's a good, good Father/Parent and the Holy Spirit does things decent and in order. It's the Holy Spirit that causes Jesus to stand at the door, patiently waiting on you.

Focus Points :

The Holy Spirit always lets YOU decide.

You can always tell, if a man or woman has the Holy Spirit  (the power of God) operating in their lives, based on how they treat YOU.

Stop making excuses for them! If they're treating you wrong (abusing you) that's not Holy, it's not God's Spirit; despite their title (Father, Mother, Brother, Elder, Pastor etc.)
Today, I pray for the abused and the abuser...Save them BOTH, Father.
Hear Jesus...Let Him in.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, January 14, 2018

1/14/18 "The Healer In You"


5 Minutes of Focus
"The Healer In You"

Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  James 5:16 NIV

Right away, the words: CONFESS, SINS, and PRAY just seems to stand out like a sore thumb.
But two of the three words, I will not be discussing here today.

Instead, I would like to focus on: "PRAY for each other so that you may be healed." Prayer heals...Your prayers are healing somebody.

Often times, we want God to deliver our loved ones from this and that. Deliver meaning bring them out of whatever they're in, change them from something.
But here's  the revelation the Holy Spirit just dropped in my spirit:
Sometimes, God doesn't want to deliver them, he only wants to heal them (make them better).

So, Don't get discouraged when you see that loved one that still cusses...But be thankful that they don't cuss as much as they used to.

Don't get discouraged when you see that loved one that still drinks and smokes...But be thankful that they don't do it as much as they used to.
They are being healed. They are being made better.

SIDE NOTE:  When they realize, they're better (because many have struggled for YEARS) that will be proof to them...GOD IS REAL and that  He showed up REAL for them when no one else could. Glory!

So, keep praying for them. You have the healer in YOU  and greater is He than anything you're currently  praying about. 1 John 4:4

Beloved, Sometimes you have to learn to accept and celebrate tiny victories..Tiny victories are just as important as the big stuff. Why? Because it is a step in the right direction.
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.
Zechariah 4 :10 NLT

Focus Points:

Pray for them and stop fussing (nagging) at them.

You are the one that carries the power..You can heal them by praying for them WITHOUT Judging them.

No judgement...Because remember, your righteousness was once NOTHING more than a filthy rag too. Isaiah 64:6 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, January 7, 2018

1/7/18 "The Humpty Dumpty Syndrome"


5 Minutes of Focus
"The Humpty Dumpty Syndrome"

SOMEBODY: Like Humpty Dumpty you had a great fall.. Last year, YOU fell into some thing that completely shattered you emotionally.

And so, you spent all of last year trusting that man could "somehow" put you back together (and  if you are a man)...You spent all of last year doing what you know to do as a man.

Still, No matter your gender..
Nothing YOU do is going to put you back together emotionally. No amount of alcohol or drugs (not even something that was prescribed for you) can heal what's broken about you.

When you fell, you fell hard for the wrong person, you fell hard for a friendship that was never God approved,  a job that you wanted because of the money and increased popularity. Instead, God allowed them to over work you for little or no pay.

Now all those people, you thought were so GREAT, so NECESSARY are just standing around watching you be broke and broken. They can't help you!

They can't handle your brokenness (but JESUS CAN), especially when their own HANDS ARE NOT CLEAN.
*Germs contaminate both in the natural and in the spirit.
Still...He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.
Coloss 1:17 NIV

He is close to the brokenhearted and he actually heals the brokenhearted.
Psalm 34:18 NIV
Psalm 147:3

The bible says: Jairus went to Jesus to heal his daughter and fell at his feet.
Mark 5

When there is apart of you that you cannot heal emotionally...You do not self-medicate, you do not keep running to doctors who will do the medicating for you, diagnosing your emotional/mental stablity WRONG (when really they don't know what's wrong with you).

Focus Points:

When you don't know what's wrong and they don't know what's wrong..You need to go to Dr. Jesus and fall at his feet.
There's instructions at his feet.
Read Deut 33:3 NIV

Jesus is the one that has held  you together this long (you couldn't feel his arms); still you saw his provision...Think about it.

You saw his provision even in your brokenness...Not because of you, but because he was praying for you.
Jesus was praying for you.
Heb 7:25 NIV

He wants to see you win...Like Jairus fall at his feet, block out what others are saying and just trust him.
He's still a healer.

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy