Sunday, September 24, 2017

9/24/17 "We're Moving"


5 Minutes Of Focus
"We're Moving!"

In Genesis 12 NIV
Abram left his home, country, his people because God said, Go....
Unsure of where he was going, but he was sure of his God.

So, Beloved, this seems to be: Evacuation Season both in the natural and in the spirit realm. Time to let some things go.
We're Moving!

In the natural,  in order to move, you must pack up some things, give away  some things (that are still in good condition, but of no use to you), you must let some things go.

In the spirit realm, in order to move, God's instructions are no different. God has MAJOR blessings ahead of you, but you must move from where you are and don't let a storm move you. God wants you to voluntarily move, simply because you heard him say, " Go!"

SOMEBODY:  In your spirit, you heard God say, "Go!" Leave that place and stop hanging around those people, relating yourself to a certain group... When God has territory you have not yet conquered, things you want, but have yet to possess still waiting on.

In Genesis 12  Abram and his nephew,  Lot had so much together that they couldn't stay together, but it was best for them to separate and each go their own way...They made a smart business move.

Tell that friend,  that so - called  boyfriend or girlfriend, that co-worker,  that niece or nephew,  that BLOOD relative ..."Nothing personal, but we need to separate."

Don't fool yourself  (especially now) ...If you want God's best, you're going to have to do some separating of things and people. You're going to have to show God...It's about Him (obeying Him)  in spite of them.

Focus Point:

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish  things.
1 Corin 13:11 NLT
*Best Moving On Scripture Ever!
You're Moving...We're Moving!

Handle Your Business!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 17, 2017

9/17/17 "I'm Tired...That's All"


5 Minutes of Focus
"I'm Tired...That's All"

The scripture says:
And Jesus tired as he was from the journey, sat down by  the well.
John 4:6 NIV

Jesus had been doing a lot of traveling  and though he was tired, he still managed to meet with the woman at the well.

You travel a lot. You got this going on and that going on and you're just tired. Physically, you're tired, mentally, you're tired, socially, you're tired; if you have to see just one more person today at work....

Though you feel that way, you can't stop and just lock yourself away from EVERYTHING. Had Jesus nursed his own tiredness and procrastinated on his meeting with the woman at well...Her healing would have been delayed and she would have still been committed to an ungodly  relationship; thinking prehaps she can't do any better.

You're tired...I get that. I understand that more than  you know...But still so much is dependent on you coming through...You're tired, but you are not irrelevant.
Even in your tiredness, you still have what somebody needs.

So feel however you're feeling and then shake it off....I decree and declare rest from your day, days over your life and you be refreshed.
Be refreshed in your soul ( your mind, will, and emotions). Be refreshed in your body.
There's still people to see, meetings o be kept, traveling to be done.

Focus Points:

1.SOMEBODY: The doctors are trying to diagnosis you with this disorder and that disorder...You're tired...That's All... Nothing a spa trip couldn't cure.

2. Remember This: There is nothing too hard for God,  his shoulders can carry you.
Jere 32:27 NIV
Psalm 55:22 MSG

3. When you get tired of so much commotion...You can put a stop to that, but don't you dare run from your life responsibilities.  You are revelant. You are needed.
Mark 5:39-40 NIV

4. Jesus said: Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest. (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls).
Matt 11:28 AMPC

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 10, 2017

9/10/17 "This Is Not That!"

5 Minutes of Focus
"This Is Not That!"
Genesis Chapters:37, 41, 45

In Gen 37 Joseph was just a young naive teenager. At 17, he was certainly no match for his brothers and their hatred towards him...So they sold him to get him away from them.
However, Bible Scholars believe Joseph was 39 years old when his brothers saw him again.

By this time, things had severely changed and "This was not That" meaning Joseph was not still that little teenage boy, they had previously made fun of and put down in a pit. Joseph was now Prime Minister and his brothers had to come under his authority to get what they needed.

Somebody : The day is coming when you will be able to look your enemies in the face...And let them know, "This Is Not That!"
They used to be able to get to you, down you and even cause you to down yourself...But Not No More >>> "This Is Not That!" I assure you what used to be the case, is not the case anymore.

Your life is in a much better place and where you were once weak, you are now strong. This is a new season unlike like That of your past and the sooner you receive it, and believe it...The sooner someone else besides You, Me, and God will see it.

Focus Points:
1. When Joseph brothers saw he was not the push over he used to be...Their attitude soon lined up.

2 .When they see your power and no longer a display of your weakness...Their attitude will line up.

3. Just like seasons change. Your life, your circumstances,  and  the level of strength you possess are subject to change.

4. Therefore, Take some time every day to build up your confidence in yourself...You can do all things through Christ...You will have whatsoever you say.
Mark 11:24 KJV
Philip 4:13

5. Somebody, Say it with me: This Is Not That! You came looking for the person I used to be...
Sorry, This Is Not That!!!...It's a whole different situation now.
Handle Me accordingly.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 3, 2017

9/3/17 "Broken To Heal"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Broken To Heal"
Genesis 16 NIV

In the text:  Sarai comes up with a plan to conceive a child for her and her husband (Abram), using an Egyptian slave named Hagar.
Ladies: You can relate to Hagar because Hagar finds herself pregnant and in a situation she didn't ask for.
Men: You can relate to Hagar too because Hagar did Sarai a HUGE favor, only to get dogged out later because of it.

Nevertheless, despite Sarai's wrong treatment of her...Hagar was broken to heal.
And even though, some of you believe, you're hurting because you're broken....God says: You're broken to heal. Just like when a glass is broken and everything that was in the glass comes out....It's time for you to let the anger, the unforgiveness; the hurt and pain, let it all come out. You've been holding on to it too long.

Now, Hagar's 1st intinct (like some of you) was to run away...But God sent her back KNOWING that if she could just live through this...He would bless her seed- her child, her family, her offering.

God wants to bless you, your child, your family, your offering... But first, you must go back to that place of hurt and release the anger, the unforgiveness, the hurt, the pain, the shame and the sadness etc.
It's time your perspective be changed.. SOMETHING bigger than what you see is going on.

Focus Points:

Therefore, Don't  be shut out of your blessing, looking at the pain, dwelling on what they said/did.

You might have to get away by yourself for a minute to regroup, to get your heart & mind together...But go back because things are about to change.
Luke 5:16, Isaiah 43:19-21 NIV

Healing is in the brokenness..Of your will for His, your comfort zone, for His call upon your life.
Broken To Heal.

Beloved, Every time you answer His call with, "Yes Lord" (Even though, it's hard and it's hurting your flesh), God's response is: AMEN meaning So Be It or Let It Be!
Blessings flow when you just let it be.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy