Sunday, August 27, 2017

8/27/17 'God Won't Let You...."


5 Minutes of Focus
"God Won't Let You...."
1 Kings 19 NIV

Beloved, God knows you're tired of your current circumstances, you're tired and "somewhat" afraid of the things that have come down on your head.
Stressed in mind and body to the point that you want to give up...BUT GOD!...God Won't Let You..."

God Won't Let You give up and forget all the good moments you've had, all the victories you've had. There will always be people set to oppose you, to distract you, to discourage you, but to give in to the pressure of it all...God Won't Let You.

In the text: Jezebel was threatening Elijah...Elijah was under such pressure that he literally was ready to give up his life, give up his good moments, give up his victories even and sit down under a tree, no energy left, depressed.
BUT GOD...God wouldn't let Elijah quit (and God won't let you quit either).
SOMEBODY: Stop wondering how you are making it from day to day, how you continually find yourself holding on, despite feeling like you wanna give up...God Won't Let You.

Your current situation has been ordained by God whether you believe that at times or not and your strength is coming from Him; from what you know of Him (your relationship with Him).

So, God sent an angel to feed Elijah some food...God will supply your needs, bring food in your household etc., if that's what you're worried about. Philip 4:19

God supplied Elijah with food.
God restored  his strength...You are stronger than you think because of the God in you, despite the things of this world coming against you. 1 John 4:4

You are not defeated yet and nothing or no one will take your life or destroy or control your life.
Yes, people get angry sometimes and say things; "they think" they mean and maybe they do mean them (to a certain extent), BUT GOD.
Their hurtful words will not be louder or carry more influence with you than HIS.
And God is saying, Get Up!
Get Up Elijah...Get Up Elianne, Get Up Eddie, Get Up Ashley, Get Up Anna, Get Up Albert etc..

Whatever your name is...If you're reading this: Get Up!!!
God Won't Let You....Give Up, Quit etc.

Focus Points:

1. Depression be bound. Your strength be restored, eat, enjoy, LIVE. (Ezekiel 16:6)

2. You are more (so much more) than a conqueror throughout all life's challenges.

Amen >>>So Be It!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 20, 2017

8/20/17 "According To The Sword"


5 Minutes of Focus
"According To The Sword"

For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it JUDGES the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Heb 4:12 NIV

"No one can judge me, but God...You can't judge me." Honestly, I think that saying is just used as an cop out or excuse for the person saying it, to keep doing what they're doing.

But in the current culture we're living in...You're going to wish you had picked up that bible of yours more than on Sunday and judged somebody and some things too.

Why? Because the bible is  the only book I know, that will keep it real with you ABOUT EVERYTHING.

SOMEBODY: Right now, you're kinda involved  with somebody and you can feel something is wrong but  you're afraid to JUDGE them...So you keep giving them the benefit of the doubt (an undeserved opportunity).

Beloved, There is a difference between judging and being judgmental.
Judging means to decide, decree, pronounce.
Judgmental means having a negative, condemning, overcritical attitude towards somebody or something.

What I'm strongly suggesting you do is : Pick up that bible, that sword that's sharper than any double-edged sword; that sword that penetrates, divides the soul and spirit, that sword that JUDGES the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Pick up that bible and read it and JUDGE- decide, decree, pronounce to that person and/or situation what shall be, what's acceptable and not acceptable in your life.
That's what a double-edged sword does...It helps and it hurts. In this case, let it help you get to root of some lingering issues/questions that exist in your life right now.

Are you involved with a potential Boaz or a poisonous Judas? Judge them. Are you involved with Abigail or in a relationship from hell? Judge them according to the Word of God, according to the sword of the spirit.
Judge them according to the Word (sword) and not your personal opinion or others personal opinion of them...Now that would be judgemental.

The scripture that says: Do not judge, or you too will be judged in Matt 7:1-5 NIV is talking about having a judgmental attitude towards somebody when you, yourself are not perfect (there's a plank in your eye that needs to be removed).
But JUDGE is actually the same word DECIDE OR DECREE and the bible in
Job 22:28 AMPC tells us to make some decisions.

God would not have us to be indecisive  (promoting confusion)...So start JUDGING some people, things, situations, job opportunities, etc., DECIDE where's the best place for you to live, work, relocate to etc., DECREE over your child/children,  over that relationship, friendship, your marriage, family, business, ministry  etc. what shall be and what is and is not acceptable.
In Jesus name.

Simply put..
Focus Points:

1. HAVE A STANDARD and live by it...To do that successfully though requires JUDGING some people and things.

2. Ignore those that say, "Only God can JUDGE ME"....Not only do they not know the bible...They clearly don't know the difference between judging and being judgemental.

Do the research please and thank you...Geez.  LOL

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 13, 2017

8/13/17 "Cutting Away At Freedom"


To: My Cutters...I Care.
5 Minutes of Focus
"Cutting Away At Freedom"
Mark 5:1-5 NIV

The text says: NIght and day the man was in the tombs, crying out in the hills and no one was strong enough to subdue him, so he cut himself with stones.

Beloved, Sometimes people are just not strong enough to handle your issues...
Truth be told: They can barely handle their  own issues from day to day.

So, they'd rather bring you under control using physical force, versus taking the time needed  to get to the root of what's really bothering you emotionally.

Night and day,  you cry out, but no one can hear you, no one cares or understands you; at least, that's what you think....So, you cut yourself to escape the reality of your world, to escape  the pressures of your world...You cut yourself as I way of regaining control, as a way of taking control out of the hands of all the ones that hurt you. Not many will understand that place you're coming from.

But Jesus and his nailed scarred hands, he fully understands...
Jesus didn't cut himself or self-harm, but he did allow himself  to be harmed....and he did it just for you. (Isaiah 53, Matt 27)

So you wouldn't have to know the shame of hiding yourself. Hiding in long clothes all summer long, hiding behind dark shades, hiding  behind humor (when nothing is funny), hiding behind sarcasm and/or profanity NOT wanting anyone to see your scars.

Read Mark 5 in full and you will discover the man in the text was referred to as "Demon Possessed"....Why demon possessed?  Because  it's  the devil that wants to take your life or your quality of life by inflicting you with pain.

Still Jesus is a restorer, he's  the restorer of the brokenhearted.  (Psalm 147:3)
He heals bodies and emotions
(Jere 30:17)
He is the lifter of your head. (Psalm 3:3)

Focus Points:

1. Why are you acting and doing the things that you're doing?

2.   Don't you know: For every physical action...There is an emotional reaction.

3. So, What are you reacting to?

4. Cutting yourself is not the answer...It will only complicate matters further.

5. The Self-Harm Hotline....Call: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288)
There is help/hope.

6. To hear this message in full "Cutting Away At Freedom"
Join Me
On #ProlificFire #MondayNights #OnlineChurch
See Flyers for details!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 6, 2017

8/6/17 "Coping With Self -Failure"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Coping With Self -Failure'

In Matthew 14:
Peter asked Jesus for permission to come join him on the water....Now, Jesus would have been just as pleased with Peter had he stayed in the boat.

But Peter wanted to be closer, to do more. So he gets out on the water and attempts to walk  and for a while, he was doing it!!! He was literally making history as the only man other than Jesus to walk on the water. The world hasn't seen a move like that, since. Of course, there have been men who walked on the moon, but none on the water.

Leave it to Peter to make a move like that and test his own faith UNTIL fear crept in,
leaving him unable to walk...HE FAILED HIMSELF. (He didn't fail God). He failed himself because he couldn't finished what he started...Coping With Self -Failure.

Dont  let the fact that you failed paralyze your next move...There has to be a next move, you must keep going.

Focus Points:

1. You are not a failure,  just because you failed and couldn't finish what you started...Just like a car cannot  be described as a flat tire, just because it had a flat tire and couldn't reach its destination.

2. You are not what happened, but you are apart of what happened meaning it was your experience. Now it's up to you....Will you continue  to BE the experience (attaching it unfairly to your existence)  or will you LIVE THROUGH the experience?

Peter chose to LIVE THROUGH the experience and the same water (place) where he experienced SELF- FAILURE became his place of healing; the place where God would prove to him, he was not a failure after all. Luke 5

Beloved, LIVE THROUGH IT, Let God prove to you...You are not a failure, even though, you feel like one right now.
God is not displeased with you or ashamed of you.
LIVE!!! Ezekiel 16:6 NIV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy