Sunday, July 30, 2017

7/30/17 "Surrounded By Unbelievers"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Surrounded By Unbelievers"

Most of the time the words: "Yoked Together With Unbelievers" refers to being in a relationship with someone who is unsaved, ungodly or somehow unequal.

But God told me: Many of you reading this are "Surrounded By Unbelievers." His use of the word, unbelievers  (in this case) has nothing to do with those who are unsaved, ungodly or unequal.

But God says: Many of you are surrounded by unbelievers - people who do not believe in you.

In Genesis 37 NIV:
Joseph was surrounded by (yoked with) his brothers (members  of his own immediate family) who didn't believe in him.

And because of their unbelief and jealousy...There was a time, when Joseph's life fell  into a pit, a pit he couldn't get out of on his own.
But God...God sent somebody (The Midianite) with the necessary means to lift and shift Joseph's life up and out of the pit and onto the right direction.

Right now, Your life is in the pit..It's dark ( it's bleak) and your resources are limited and God knows without somebody's help you'll never get out.

There's a palace in your future, a job with a promotion attached in your future, but first you must survive the pit.

God sent the Midianite with the means to lift Joseph's life out the pit monetarily, but physically HE MADE Joseph's brothers pull him out the pit, they put him in.

Beloved, God knows how to get to your enemies and MAKE THEM pull you out the pit, they put you in.

Focus Points:

1. Expect God to send somebody with the necessary means, somebody that understands your worth..You don't have to settle for less in order to change your situation.

2. You will have the last laugh... Those who don't  believe in you will...When they see your new direction, new position; they will.
(Genesis 41 & 45)

3. But for now, you might have to distance yourself from some people, family even... God sent Joseph to Egypt AWAY from his brothers AND there... his life, his situation changed.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 23, 2017

7/23/17 "Rebuilding Our Broken Walls/Rebuilding Life Goals


5 Minutes of Focus
"Rebuilding Our Broken Walls/Rebuilding Life Goals"

Before Nehemiah got permission, released to go and rebuild the wall...He spent a season of his life crying, fasting, praying and repenting. Nehemiah 1

Sometimes you just have to spend time releasing your emotions in order to heal and move forward.

There is no way, Nehemiah could have successfully rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem had his own walls been torn down, had he been in a broken state inwardly himself.

So Beloved, The first step to rebuilding what was lost is to rebuild YOU...Your walls and what you're blocking out or holding in comes first.

Take some time to heal you...A healed you is a better you.

Before the first nail can be hammered, the first manuscript written, first record released or broken, the first marathon be ran, before you go back to school, get married for the first time, or get married again, have your first child or another child, before the first major thing on your bucket list is accomplished, before  you attempt to go after and rebuild your life goals....You must first
work on YOU.

YOU are a piece of work that can't  be overlooked...God didn't overlook Nehemiah, but  received the man of God's tears, prayers, his repentance and showed him as much.

Nehemiah stood afraid, asking for time off from his regular job as cup bearer to go rebuild  a wall ??? >>> Huh!
You can't even attempt to ask something so HUGE unless your own walls have experienced healing and can't be destroyed by possible rejection.
So,  are you really ready to go there and do that?

Focus Points:

1. You first....Then the work can be done on other things.

2. Your personal goals, challenges addressed...Before life goals, before walls can be successfully rebuilt.

3. Cry your cry of release, pray and repent because what God is going to use you to accomplish affects more than just YOU.

4. If Nehemiah could do it, despite opposition...You can too. Read your bible.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, ProphetessStacy

Sunday, July 16, 2017

7/16/17 "Don't Give Up Hope"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Don't Give Up Hope"

Over the course of your life, there will be a wide variety  of things you will have to give up, some of which to better yourself and some not for the better, but you will be FORCED to give up it  anyway.

But don't you dare give up... HOPE. Hope (itself) is yours FOREVER!!!
You might have to change what you're hoping for (the purpose of your hope).

But don't you dare give up...HOPE.
SOMEBODY: You've already sacrificed so much, given up so much.
Still, It is Hope that keeps you going, hope that somehow things will get better...You need Hope to survive all that you're going through.

The bible says: Hope deferred makes the heart sick....
Deferred meaning detoured, delayed, shifted.
Proverbs 13:12 NIV

So don't you detour, delay, or shift away from Hope...You need Hope. Hope is what's keeping you emotionally healthy. Hope is what's keeping depression at bay in your life.

Hope is so important BECAUSE faith is the substance of things HOPED for.
Heb 11:1 NKJ

Without Hope your faith has no substance (significance or foundation).

Therefore Beloved, Be like Abraham...The bible says: Against all hope, Abraham in Hope believed and so became the father of many nations.
Rom 4:18 NIV

Focus Points:

1. Hold on to Hope. There is so much more you will become, if you don't forake hope in this season.

2. Don't forsake hope. Don't defer, detour, delay, or shift away from hope. Hope gives your faith substance, significance, a foundation.

3. The devil desires that you lose hope, making your faith shaky at best ( having no significance, no foundation).

4. BUT GOD!!!

5. Don't you dare give up hope. Hope ( itself) is yours FOREVER...No matter what.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 9, 2017

7/9/17 "Knowing The People We Shouldn't Know"

5 Minutes of Focus
"Knowing The People We Shouldn't Know"

In Jonah Chapter 1
God instructs Jonah to go to Nineveh, but Jonah rebels and goes and boards a ship in Joppa instead, where he meets and gets to know a group of sailors and trouble breaks  out.

Trouble breaks out because Jonah is in the wrong place, spending time with the wrong people.

Jonah had no business  being on that ship...That's not what God told him to do.Jonah took himself all out the way.  Had he not been on that ship,  he never would have known those sailors and vice versa.

You see...It's not God's fault.
Sometimes we take Ourselves all out the way, getting to know people we shouldn't even know.

Who is it, you know that  you never should have known?
They were just a distraction sent to send you in the wrong direction, causing you time and energy .

They were just a sailor and a ship going in the wrong direction.

Problems existed for you as long as you were with them... Problems were coming against that ship as long as Jonah was on board. 

Just something for you to think about this Sunday. 

Focus Points:

1. You can't be on board (in agreement) with everybody and everything....Disconnect.

2. Think About It: Did God connect you to that person (those people) or did you do the connecting YOURSELF ?

3. Stop distracting yourself with them.. ...You are costing yourself valuable time.

4. Time that God needs you to be in alignment, going in the right direction.

5  Get to your purpose and away from them ...You never should have known (those sailors) people, that certain person in the first place.

You Feel Me! >>> Lol
Make the necessary changes.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 2, 2017

7/2/17 "The Right Kind Of Love"

5 Minutes Of Focus
"The Right Kind Of Love"

1 Samuel 1
The Lord caused Hannah to be barren...But still (her husband) Elkanah loved her and give her double of what he had.

That's the right kind of love...
Someone that loves you EVEN THOUGH you don't  have it all together.

Elkanah loved Hannah EVEN THOUGH she didn't have it all together meaning (in her case)....She couldn't give him a child.

The text says: The Lord caused Hannah to be barren...Sometimes, the Lord deliberately causes a problem to exist to create resistance and develop your strength.

Rom 5:3-4 NLT
We can rejoice, too, when  we run into problems and trials, for we know that THEY HELP US develop endurance.
And endurance develops strength of character...

And lets just be honest...It takes strong character to stay in a marriage, stay in a relationship when things are far less than perfect. It takes strength of character to not stray away into the arms of the meet.

That's the right kind of love...A love that chooses to stay and love, and embrace you as you are...EVEN THOUGH you don't have it all together (you're barren on some level) and hard to deal with at times....But still.

Focus Points:

1. Choose the right kind of love.

2. The right kind of love, loves you EVEN THOUGH you don't have it all together.

3. The right kind of love does not stray when things get hard.

4. The right kind of love has strength of character.

5. Let that problem that exist develop you and your character.

6. Don't be so quick to walk away.

I want to see you get it right!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy