Sunday, June 23, 2024

6/23/24 "Celebrate Them"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Celebrate Them"
The Father in Luke 15 chose to celebrate the son who ran out on him, took his money pre-maturely, the one through his actions, wished that he was dead.
But for the son - the one who had ALWAYS been right there, (been loyal)...There was no celebration. 
Luke 15:11-31 NIV

Don't take for granted the one that's ALWAYS been there...
What if they decide not to be?

One thing's for sure, people don't have to do anything for you. So, If you have someone in your life (family or friend) who has always been there for you, has always been loyal no matter what...Don't forget to celebrate them.

Sometimes that person would like a gift (over and beyond what they already have access to), "just because"....Because you're thinking of them,  just because you care, just because you knew celebrating them in that way would make them happy.

In Luke 15:
The Prodigal Son was the one being celebrated, while his brother hadn't been celebrated NOT even once for all his years of loyalty. 

[29] But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 
Luke 15:29 NIV

There are some good brothers out there that keep getting over looked and under appreciated and just like The Prodigal Son's brother, they're angry and they have every reason to be.

Celebrate The Prodigal's and The Loyal Ones too.
Celebrate The Ruth's and The Naomi’s too!!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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