Saturday, May 6, 2023

5/7/23 "His Great Love"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"His Great Love"
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us....
1 John 4:16 NIV

At least, that's the way it's supposed to be...We should be relying solely on the love God has for us.

Although, I think we have all (at some point) made  the mistake of relying on the love of people and when their love caved or perhaps we woke up and realized that their love for us was not without conditions, restrictions, and demands.

Either way, All of it would SOON prove to be way too much to mentally digest. The relationship was just too draining.

And all the while, while going through all of that...We had access to a love that is reliable; has always been reliable, a love that got assigned to us when we were unable to help ourselves, back when we were feeling helpless, living a life of sin.

For some reason, God considered that to be the right time...the right time to stage a spiritual intervention and have Christ die for us, and so He did.

According to Rom 5:6-8 NCV... 
That was God's way of showing just how much He loves us, showing just how great His love is for us.

NOW, I want you to think about all that time you've wasted in years passed, relying on the love of people, relying on people, expecting them to be there for you...When all the while, you had access to what the bible calls, "GREAT LOVE"...

Keep In Mind: God's way of showing His great love for us was giving up Jesus; making Him a sacrifice for our sins.

And so,  I think it's time and only fair that we started giving up some things, making some sacrifices for HIM in return...Do it for God. Do it for Jesus!! 

○Turn off the TV to spend more time when Him.

○ Fast- give up physical food for the intake and digestion of more spiritual food, more revelation.
• ONLY if you are healthy enough to do so.

○ Pursue the things you know God told you to do, but you've been procrastinating on out of fear.    
 Think About It!!..But don't just think about it, start making some sacrifices....AND I'LL DO THE SAME, WE'LL DO IT TOGETHER. 
To God be the glory!! 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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