Sunday, March 19, 2023

3/19/23 "Miss Me With That, Devil!!"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Miss Me With That, Devil!!"
In My Spirit, I woke up hearing, "Make it old news before it becomes new news that the devil can and will use against you."

Beloved, If you know there is something that if it gets out, (THE WRONG WAY) it has the potential to be very damaging to your character, very damaging to your career...
Why not take control of the gossip, take control of the lies, take control of the devil"s attempt to steal, kill, and destroy. 
(John 10:10) by telling the truth NOW, before it blows up in your face with all kinds of lies and misconceptions added.

Think about it:
God has given us a powerful tool to overcome the devil, to shut down the mouth of our enemies...It's called the word of our testimony. 

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...
Revelation 12:11 NKJV

Get ahead of any damage by taking control of what you know is bound to come out eventually. 

Tell your testimony. Tell the truth so that when it does come out...and people start gossiping about what they heard...

You can stand your ground and let the devil know, " That's old news. The ones who NEEDED to know, already know the truth and have accepted me,  they have forgiven me. Even more so, I have accepted some things and forgiven myself.

So, In the words of Dr. Taketa Williams, "Miss Me With That, Devil!! "

Rev 12:11 from the NIV says, I triumphed over you...In other words, "I Won". The only thing all of that forced me to do is BE HONEST and honesty is a good thing, a GOD thing.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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