Sunday, January 15, 2023

1/15/23 "And NOTHING MORE"


5 Minutes of Focus 

Jesus was assigned to the woman at the well. He was there to help her get healed from her past relationships and be filled with the life-changing water of salvation and  NOTHING MORE.
John 4:1-29 NIV

Beloved, It's a dangerous thing to want something or someone for YOURSELF that God does not want for you.

But this is exactly what happens when we forget the assignment God gave us concerning that person and we get close with them in a way that we shouldn't. 

That person was your assignment...God intended for you to draw them closer to Him, but instead you ended up drawing them closer to you.

And you wonder why things are not working out the way you had hoped...It's because where you saw a possible relationship, God saw ministry. Where you saw friendship, God saw mentorship.

In John 4: Jesus told the woman at the well to, “Go, call your husband and come back.” “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband.
John 4:16‭-‬17 NIV

But what if, Jesus next words to this precious woman who  was in need of salvation would have been, "I have no wife in which to speak of either. "

 See how easy it is to derail the plan of God and cause things to go in a total different direction all because we allowed flesh to get involved, all because feelings got involved?

Jesus would have cost this precious woman her salvation, her chance to be free of EVERYTHING she had been carrying had he allowed himself to feel more for her that just His assignment. 

That's why it's so important that we choose to die daily, that by choice we crucify our flesh. 
Gal 5:16-17, 24
1Corin 15:31 NKJ

So that we can effectively minister to "that person" or any person and have no problem keeping it about the assignment, keeping it about God and what HE SAID, keeping it about salvation. 

Because the one thing we should NEVER want to do (as servants of Christ) is be responsible for someone stumbling, falling, missing out on what God has for them. 
Gal 5:7 CEV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love; Prophetess Stacy

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