Saturday, October 29, 2022

10/30/22 "Show Up"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Show Up"

David strapped on a sword and tried to walk around, but he was not used to wearing those things. “I can't move with all this stuff on,” David said. “I'm just not used to it.” (So) David took off the armor and picked up his shepherd's stick. He went out to a stream and picked up five smooth rocks and put them in his leather bag. Then with his sling in his hand, he went straight toward Goliath.
1 Samuel 17:39‭-‬40 CEV

To sum it all up...Basically, In the words of Casting Crowns: "David showed up with a rock to a sword fight."

Do you know how much you have to trust God in order to show up with nothing, but a rock in your hand when you know your enemy has a sword?

That's what David did. He knew Goliath had a sword. The same sword that he rejected, but still he showed up.

Though the odds were against him, David showed up. He didn't let fear talk him out of showing up. He didn't waste time comparing himself to Goliath. None of that mattered. All that mattered was that he showed up.

See, Sometimes Beloved, You have to show up when you know things don't look good, show up afraid with butterflies in your stomach because you have no idea what to expect; just show up.

Don't be fearful. Why be fearful of wasn't hasn't happened yet?....But show up, trusting that the God that made a way for you last time will do the same this time.

The size of the giant you're facing doesn't matter.  How many people are siding with  your enemy against you doesn't matter. The words,  the insults, the diagnosis none of that is God's response or His final answer concerning you.

Remember this, Goliath believed in the power of what HE  could do, and talked a good game UNTIL David believing in the power of HIS GOD showed up and shut his mouth.

Read 1 Samuel 17:33-50 CEV and be encouraged....
It's time for you to show up....
GOD has your back!!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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