Saturday, August 27, 2022

8/28/22 "Hear Me"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Hear Me"
My dear brothers and sisters, always be more willing to listen than to speak....
James 1:19 ERV

How many times have you just wanted them to hear you out; to stop talking and just hear you out?..You needed to be heard, you just wanted to be heard.

Instead, They disrespected you by not pausing long enough to hear you, to listen to  what you had to say.

A lot of marriages could be healed, if as a coupled you learned to listen.

A lot of parent/child issues could be healed, if you (the parent) would just learn to listen and really hear what your child is saying. 

Parents just because you're older that doesn't (automatically) make you wiser. 

The bible says, Jesus grew in wisdom...And if Jesus had to grow in wisdom, so do you.
Luke 2:52 NIV

Listen...Stop talking and listen.
Everybody just wants to be heard and everybody deserves to be heard, to have their voice matter, their opinion valued.  

Think about this:
It was not Hagar (the mother's cry) that the angel heard and  came in response to.....

In Genesis 21: The bible clearly let's us know that God has no problem acknowledging a child's cry...Because the angel responded to the cry, to the voice of Hagar's son, Ishmael and not Hagar. 
Genesis 21:17 NIV

Hear Me...Stop talking and listen. It's important!! Because they do have something to say. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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