Saturday, March 12, 2022

3/13/22 "I'm Annoyed'


5 Minutes of Focus 

"I'm Annoyed"
The bible says:  
Don't be annoyed by anyone who does wrong, and don't envy them. They will soon disappear like grass without rain.
Psalms 37:1‭-‬2 CEV

I think many of us have matured to the point that we no longer envy sinners... 

But we do get annoyed.. We get annoyed because we can see the wrong they're doing and it looks Ike they're getting away with it.

Still, the latter part of Psalms 37:2 (CEV) reveals a different scenario. It says, "They will soon disappear like grass without rain." 

Okay...Without rain, we know that nothing can grow, produce, or refresh itself.There must be rain, or some type of water attached to its existence. 

But here's the thing...Water in the bible represents THE WORD OF GOD which means that as long as that  person who is doing wrong remains WORD- less, remains GOD- less there will be no real progress in their life, despite how things currently look to you and me.

So, Today, my friend....
Be encouraged.
It's NOT at all what it looks like.There's another day coming and on that day...

They're going to have to pay for EVERY thing they have done.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
2 Corinthians 5:10 NIV

There will be NO ESCAPING payback...and no, it's not karma. It's just the bible making good on a promise. 

God says, I promise you they are not getting away.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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