Sunday, February 20, 2022

2/20/22 "Unhealed"


5 Minutes of Focus 

There was a woman from Shunem who had (along with her husband) been kind enough to build a room (onto the roof)  just for Elisha, just so the Man of God would have a place to lay his hand when in town.

But when Elisha wanted to do something for her in return.
He prophesied: 
“Next year at this time you will be holding a son in your arms!” 

Her response: “No, my Lord!” she cried. “O man of God, don’t deceive me and get my hopes up like that.” 
2 Kings 4:8-16 NLT 

BELOVED, God leaves nothing unhealed, but it's obvious this woman was unhealed in her emotions.

God says, He wants to bless you, but because you have been lied to, because you have been deceived...You're afraid to trust Him for what you can't see. You are unhealed.

Therefore, Just like Elisha prophesied to the woman..."Next year at this time; I prophesy that  next year at this time...You will have restored back to you the very thing  you lost, that which you were lied to about,  whatever was used to deceive you will be given to you for real, this time WITH NO STRINGS attached.

In other words, God will heal the lies, and the deception by FINISHING what they started. 
Better yet, by MAKING THEM finish what they started.

Why do you think Elisha felt led to prophesy (of all things) to the woman as a part of his  "thank you" to her?

Because God needed a way to heal what had been broken or stolen in or from this precious woman.  So, He impregnated Elisha's mouth to produce exactly what she needed to heal.

You see, That bible talks about more than just physical healing...But Psalm 147:3 talks about healing your broken heart. Jere 30:17 talks about healing NOT just your body, but your wounds; all the wounds you have acquired in this life.

Why? Because God leaves nothing unhealed.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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