Sunday, September 26, 2021

9/26/21 "Be Aware Of Your Words "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Be Aware Of Your Words"

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. 
Proverbs 18:21 AMP 

KNOW what's coming out of your mouth at all times because every word has the potential to produce death.

And death is not always physical...There are some people right now completely devastated over words spoken to them years ago,  devastated over words spoken to them as a child. 

Toxic words they can't forget. Toxic words that is costing them time LIVED, happily and so it in a sense, it is a form of death.

Have you ever said something in anger or frustration and immediately lost your appetite or you felt sick? 

What if that was your body's way of mentally digesting what you said, causing you to eat the fruit of the words you put out there?

Beloved, Be aware of what you're saying at all times because your words have power. This goes for me too...I MUST WATCH MY MOUTH.

Think about it: 
What if David had been someone who is easily hurt (and we all know someone like that),
someone who is easily offended....

When his older brother, Eliab called him conceited & wicked, calling the sheep under his leadership little and few...
1 Samuel 17:28-29 NIV

Do you know how much damage that could have done to David mentally? 

Do you know how much damage, Eli as a priest could have done to Hannah mentally when he went off on her for being drunk in the temple?
1 Samuel 1:9-17 NIV

Some of you are carrying church hurt right now because of words spoken to you by a pastor, a leader, a church mother who had NO SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT or was just plain insensitive. 

Words hurt....We may not be able to erase the pain, but we can RECALL our words like a manufacturer recalling a product from the shelves for fear of the harm it has caused. God will do the rest.

Join Me on Prolific Fire, MON. NIGHT 10EST 9 CST 7PST
Call 347-426-3782

God has given me a powerful revelation on this subject. We are going to be RECALLING some words.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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