Saturday, December 26, 2020

12/27/20 "WAKE UP"


5 Minutes Of Focus 


A very bad wind came up on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into the boat, and it was almost full of water. Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!” 
Mark 4:37‭-‬38 ERV 

BELOVED, I know you want to, you're tempted to, to sleep your way through that situation because you really don't want to face it. So, You're showing signs of depression. 

But if, Jesus who was asleep at 1st had to wake up and face what was going on around him, thanks to his followers, his disciples who woke up him...THEN guess what?! You have to wake up and face it too.

Wake Up...This is No Time to be asleep, trying to avoid what's clearly there.  Wake up and face it. Wake up and confront it in faith, expecting to see change occur.

Change occurred when Jesus woke up and faced that wind, faced that storm because he knew the authority he carried and he knew the only way to activate it and demonstrate control was through his opened mouth.

So, He spoke in faith to that wind, to that storm...Because a closed mouth gets NOTHING achieved, but silence.

And silence is NOT the answer to your problem neither is oversleeping, trying to avoid the problem.
Mark 4:35-39 ERV

Then he (Jesus) went back to the followers. Again he found them sleeping. They could not stay awake. So he left them and went away one more time and prayed. This third time he prayed, he said the same thing.
Matthew 26:43‭-‬44 ERV 

That's your answer...
Fight the urge to sleep.
Pray and keep praying.
Speak in faith to that problem, that situation.

Because remember: A closed mouth gets nothing achieved, but silence. 

Until Next Sunday

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Monday, December 21, 2020

12/21/20 Prolific Fire-Tonight's Song List & Notes

In Luke 10:38-42

Tells the story of 2 sisters, Mary & Martha. 

Martha invited Jesus over to the house for dinner. 
Hence tonight's title:
"Dining With Jesus"

She invites Jesus over to the house and she's in the kitchen, preparing,
working to get things just right  for Him...
She was working for Jesus, but at the same time, she was neglecting his actual presence, distracted by the work.

Don't let that be us...
Working for Jesus,
but having no real relationship with Him.
Serving but not surrendering with our hearts to Him.

Instead, In honor of His birthday (Jesus' birthday)...
Let us come together and dine at his feet like Mary did.

•Instructions are at His feet. Deut 33:3 NIV
•He speaks in a worship atmosphere.
Acts 13:2 NIV

Songs Tonight from Dining With Jesus  (Worship Experience):

•  A Little Longer- Brian & Jenn Johnson 

• ABBA - Jonathan David Helser 

• When I Lock Eyes With You- Maverick City  Music feat. Upperroom 

• Lean Back- Maverick City Music feat.  Amanda Lindsey Cook & Chandler Moore 

• All I Need- Rita Springer

• Give Me You- Shana Wilson

• I Love You- Mary Alessi

• Hunger- David & Nicole Binion feat. Mdsn

• Forever Amen - Steffany Gretzinger 

Listen to Dining With Jesus (Worship Experience) 

Merry Christmas Everyone...
Thanks for the support. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

12/20/20 "Unprepared, Maybe...But Not Unfit"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Unprepared, Maybe...But Not Unfit"

It seems like Jesus was born to parents who were unprepared....
I mean, they had no where for him to lay his head. The best they could do in that moment, in terms of providing was a manger- a trough for horses or cattle to eat from. So, Jesus was born in a manger. Such humble begins for a baby that had so much promise,so much potential.
Luke 2:1-7 NKJ

What the Holy Spirit wants you take away from that, is THIS: Please don't feel like an unfit parent in this season, just because this year you can't give your children everything they want for Christmas.

Please don't feel like an unfit parent because you're struggling to provide off of one income. Mary & Joseph were not unfit parents, even though as a baby the scriptures say, Jesus had no place to lay his head; they didn't either (for that matter).

So, They were unprepared in that moment, maybe but they were not unfit. There's a difference.
So, Stop thinking of yourself as unfit. That's just the devil being his usual accusatory self. REMEMBER: He is the accuser of the brethren, after all.
Bringing false accusations with very little truth mixed in is what he does.
Rev 12:10 KJV

But just like Jesus STILL grew up into his destiny despite his rocky start in life as a baby...
As a matter of fact that same chapter, Luke Chapter 2 where it starts off talking about how Jesus (as a baby) had no where to lay his head ENDS by saying:

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Luke 2:52 NKJ

Jesus became wise, and he grew strong. God was pleased with him and so were the people.
Luke 2:52 CEV

In other words, He was unaffected by the atmosphere he was born into.

Therefore, Beloved, You need to know: YOUR CHILDREN will not be scarred permanently by what they don't have, nor will it be, as it is now, FOREVER.

I just feel like telling SOMEBODY: It won't END like it STARTED!!

😮 Selah- Pause & Think About That.

Merry Christmas EVERYBODY!! 🎁 🔥

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, December 12, 2020

12/13/20 " Made To Lean On Him"

12/13/ 20

5 Minutes of Focus 

"Made To Lean On Him"

24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.

25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. 
Genesis 32:24‭-‬25 KJV 

God touched Jacob's thigh because he wanted him to stop fighting and lean on Him.
~Pastor Benny Hinn 
•Benny Hinn Institute (BHI)

SOMEBODY: You're literally fighting and getting nowhere, in exchange for all the energy you have extended and you don't understand why the process is not causing you to make progress. 

Could be that God wants you stop fighting (to make a way for yourself) and let him be the way by which you get all things done. 

Remember the Apostle Paul said:
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philip 4:13 KJV 

BELOVED, Stop fighting and lean on Him. Still for those of us, so used to having everything and everybody depend on us, being vulnerable enough to lean on someone else is easier said than done; I know.

So, God has to touch some things in our lives, not to harm us, but to make us stop, make us slow down, make us stop fighting.

In Song Of Solomon 8:5 NKJ the question is asked:
Who is this coming up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved? 

In order to get us to lean on Him, be vulnerable with him, in order to get us to a place where we are coming up out of the wilderness, out that situation with a lean, with a limp that depends solely on his grace & mercy....He touches some things, he allows some things to hurt, to be felt like he did Jacob.

Because we were never meant to keep ourselves. We were designed to need God, made to be vulnerable at times, made to lean on Him, surrender to Him.

Jesus for example:
He had disciples who followed him, who depended on him, and in The Garden he struggled with being vulnerable, with releasing his will to the Father. He struggled. Mentally, he fought, finally he surrendered, he was made to lean and so he did; and so should we. 
Luke 22

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 6, 2020

12/6/20 "THY SOUL- Relationships ll"


5 Minutes of Focus

" THY SOUL - Relationships ll"

In John 4  the woman comes to the well carrying a water pot, looking to collect water, but after she conversates with Jesus a bit, she wants the water he mentioned; the living water.

Jesus then lets her know, just how much he knew her, by calling out her previous relationships, something that was otherwise her private info.

Instantly, She knew from being in his presence and the accuracy of his words that he was a prophet; and possibly The Messiah. 

And so, by the end of John 4:1-29 NIV....Guess what happened?  The woman leaves the water pot she was carrying behind.

Now, Usually when a woman puts down what she's been carrying, what she felt, she had no choice, but to carry...It's because she feels safe.
Jesus made her feel safe.

Safe is when you can CONFIDE in that person and NOT be judged.

Safe is when they know the worst about you, your faults & failures and still they're not ashamed to be seen  with you.

Jesus' disciples came back from buying food with a certain look on their face, because they couldn't believe that Jesus was talking to "that kind" of woman as the scripture says in John 4:27 MSG

But Jesus didn't care about the disciples opinion, rules & regulations of that time, about the dissociation between Jews & Samaritans.  He cared about her, about the wellness of her SOUL after all she had been through.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as THY SOUL prospereth. 
3 John 1:2 KJV 

Have you found a Jesus type of love? A love that is concerned about your soul?  A love that makes you feel safe or are you still carrying EVERYTHING yourself because you feel, you have no choice, you have to carry it.

It's time you find Jesus, the living water himself and stop accepting substitutes.

Blessed be the Lord, who bears our burden day by day, The God who is our salvation! Selah. 
Psalms 68:19 AMP 

He's willing to carry  it for you, you can unburden yourself.
SOMEBODY: It's safe to leave your water pot behind.

God ’s a safe-house for the battered...
Psalm 9:9‭ MSG 

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy