Saturday, August 29, 2020

8/30/20 "Fight The Fight"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Fight The Fight"

I say these words to everyone in a battle you didn't ask for, you didn't want, you didn't even see it coming, but yet here you are...Fighting the fight up close and personal.

You see, David when you think about it in 1 Samuel 17: He was in control of the situation with Goliath the whole time; even though he was younger and smaller in size. Still, he was in control of that big giant known as Goliath.

David was in control because his was a battle, was a fight he chose to be in, he wanted to be in....UNLIKE many of you reading this, David asked for what had come upon him, he wanted it. So he could get the chance to whip Goliath for how he had disrespected the Army of The Living God.

And whipped him, he did...God got glory out of David's victory that day.

BELOVED,  I know right now....You can't see anything good coming out of that battle, out that fight. You can't even began to imagine how God could any glory out of that messy situation. 

May I remind you that ALL things; not some things, but ALL things work together for the good...Rom 8:28

May I also show you in scripture that David credited God for getting him out a messy situation too...Understandably so, every situation is not a pretty situation, but God.

David wrote: I give you all the credit, God — you got me out of that mess, you didn’t let my foes gloat.
Psalm 30:1 MSG

David goes on to write: God, my God, I yelled for help and you put me together. God, you pulled me out of the grave, gave me another chance at life when I was down-and-out.
Psalm 30:2‭-‬3 MSG

Sounds like David would later be in a battle, in a fight far worse than the one everybody knew about with Goliath.
He just didn't see Goliath as that big of a problem. If he could whip a lion & a bear, he could whip Goliath.

So I say to SOMEBODY: Forget what everybody knows..You're not trying to glamorize this moment, glamorize this season, you're just trying to get through it. 

Let God get the glory in due time, because there will be a story, a testimony IN IT ALL. Continue to lean on Him for help...and keep fighting. Don't quit! Fight the fight, the good fight of faith. 1 Tim 6:12 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 22, 2020

8/23/20 "Where Are You, God?"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Where Are You, God?"

Why, Lord , do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
Psalms 10:1 NIV

I know many of you feel that God is being stand offish especially in this season...

May I remind you that God does not run from trouble, nor does he hide himself in times of trouble. But it's  just the opposite, God is an ever present help in times of trouble...
Meaning he's always present in times of trouble, making Himself available to help you.

God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
Psalms 46:1 NKJV

So, if He feels stand offish right now in the midst of your trouble...

What if I told you, it's because God wants you to seek him, go after him the way you would seek out any other relationship you're seriously interested in building, seriously interested in strengthening?

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV

From the CEV the  bible 📖 says: 
In all of your troubles, you may finally decide that you want to worship only the Lord . And if you turn back to him and obey him completely, he will again be your God.
Deuteronomy 4:29‭-‬30 CEV

SOMEBODY: You see, Up until Now...God has been too easy. You didn't really have to seek him (all that much), he was just there, but in Him just being there...It has become hard (for you) to gauge the compacity of your heart for Him.

Do you still love Him as much as you used to or do you desperately need to return to your 1st love? Return to the way you used to love God...Because that's what God is...
God is a relationship, not a religion.

●The person of God is JESUS.

●The voice of God, His likes & dislikes is The Word of God.

●And finally the power you need to sustain you, to sustain the relationship is the Holy Spirit. 

Remember, You can learn to know God (for real), if you want to. Jere 9:24 ERV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 15, 2020

"Disabling The Weakest Links"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Disabling The Weakest Links"

They laughed at Jesus because he said what they're eyes couldn't see...That the little girl actually was not dead, but asleep. So he put them out, and got her parents and three of his disciples and went in to perform the MIRACLE from which he had spoken.
Mark 5:38‭-‬42 NIV

BELOVED,  They laughed at Jesus for his faith, so expect them to do the same to you without hesitation. 

THEREFORE, To keep your atmosphere charged with faith....Keep closest to you those who have faith BOTH in God and faith in you. Eliminate or remove any weak links from your inner circle that's breaking the flow of faith in your life.

That's what Jesus did...He knew he had to do something drastic to disable the weak links present at Jairus's house that day....Because faith cannot be linked to negativity and still be expected to work, not even Jesus' faith.

And some of ya'll, you are linked to people who only know how to be nagative....and as a result you're finding yourself struggling in areas where you once had faith.

You're struggling because faith is always supposed to be in the "NOW," in the present tense. The bible says: NOW faith is....Not that it was, but it is. Hebrews 11:1 NKJ

Sadly though, because of your connection to some negative people....The faith you had for certain things has been forced into the background, forced into the past.
So, you know what you need to do?

SOMEBODY: It's time to identify  the weakest links in your inner circle and remove them.  It's not personal, it's neccessary.  You can be STRONG in faith again, just eliminate who you need to eliminate. 

Notice: In Mark 5....Jesus only kept close to him, the girl's parents and three of his disciples...Those who were biologically tied to the moment, and those he had trained for the moment.

Selah- Pause & Think About That!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 8, 2020

8/9/20 "A Second Chance For You Both"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"A Second Chance For You Both"

Not only are there Prodigal Sons and Daughters that need to come to their senses....

But God says, There's some Prodigal Fathers and Mothers that need to do the same, because you're not showing agape love to your backsliden child.

You see, the Father in Luke 15:11-31 (NIV) showed nothing but love for his son who had returned home, after a season of  living so far out of character  from the way he had raised him.

STILL, The father in the text didn't bring up his son's past or even ask him about where he'd been and what he'd been doing ... He was just thankful to have his child alive and back under his roof. That was enough. 

Instead of trying to get back at his son for all the heartache he had caused him...This father decided to err on the side of mercy, to err on the side of compassion. He decided to celebrate that his prayers had been answered.

Despite how onlookers might have felt, despite what family members including The Prodigal Son's own brother was saying.

This Father, The Prodigal Son's father saw this as a second chance  for him to father his son, to mentor his son who had now come to his senses and was willing to listen.

Because before everything was done prematurely...The Prodigal Son asked for his inheritance prematurely and The Father divided it up between his two sons prematurely. 

And that's why The Prodigal Son found himself in the pig pen hungry and thinking of home, because it was all done prematurely...Leaving him in a position to fight for his life, and the only way the Son knew how to win was REPENT and come back home.

SOMEBODY: You need to repent and come back home and Prodigal Father, Prodigal Mother drop your pride and allow them to come back home, be reinstated back into their old position with no questions asked.

IMAGINE if God asked you to recall every second of your past? You would be begging for his mercy, for his compassion.  THEREFORE, Give It!

I hear God saying, This is a second chance for you BOTH.


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 2, 2020

8/2/20 "Bullets "


5 Minutes of Focus 


David's oldest brother Eliab heard him talking with the soldiers. Eliab was angry with him and said, “What are you doing here, anyway? Who's taking care of your little flock of sheep out in the desert? You spoiled brat! You came here just to watch the fighting, didn't you?”
1 Samuel 17:28 CEV

In a moment of anger, David's oldest brother called him a spoiled brat!
AND often times, the harshest words imaginable will come from those who should have known better.

David's oldest brother should have known better, he should have been his younger brother's defender, his protector, his brother's keeper. (Genesis 4:9) INSTEAD, Eliab let his anger get the best of him and in that moment...He said what he said.

I know many of you can relate...You've taken words to your chest like  bullets from loved ones who should have known better, but still they said what they said. 

With no apology, they said, what they said and while it's not gun violence or even considered a crime...Still you have been severely affected by how little they think of you,  by the lack of respect they have for you and your feelings. 

But that was then, TODAY it's a new day in the month of August...August being the 8th month, 8 is the number of New Beginnings.  So, as a part of your new beginning, I decree and declare: Words won't hurt at all any more. Words from that break up, from that divorce, words from parents or like David, words from your own sibling will not hurt at all anymore, severely affect you any more.

You will rise up out of the maze of what was said about you with a new found strength....You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Philip 4:13 ALL things including being strong enough to handle unfair persecution from the most unlikely loved one.

I decree and declare:
Weapons made to attack you won't be successful; words spoken against you won't hurt at all...
Isaiah 54:17 CEV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy