Sunday, March 22, 2020

3/22/20 "Double Violation "


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Double Violation "

In 2 Samuel 13 from the NIV translation the bible records in grave detail the ONE horrifying incident that would change Tamar forever. Violated in one of the worst ways imaginable and by her own brother (of all people)... Yet what I consider to be, the second violation (equally as horrifying) in the text is how her father, King David got angry when he found out what his SON had done to her, his  DAUGHTER...But still he did NOTHING in support of Tamar.  It was the ole sexes double standard routine. 

You see,  I think we all know how it feels to  go through something life changing and not have the proper support.
Tamar was going through simply because she was loving and caring enough to show up for her brother who SHE THOUGHT was sick and needed her care.

DECEIVED...Going through without her Father's support making, a violated situation, doubly offensive.
And again, I think we all know how it feels to be deceived into a situation, and not have the support of family to help get us through.

But oh, we serve a God that sits high and looks low, he sees and knows all and he says: You are worth fighting for, standing up for. Yes, they made you feel like you were to blame by not supporting  you.
 But God....As a matter of fact he says, You don't have to do anything...I will fight for you, just be still.
Exodus 14:14 NIV Psalm 138:6 GNT

So, Since, you've been quarantined anyway due to corona...Take it as an opportunity to be still and let God handle everything you were worried about prior to corona. Because some of you were going through before this virus/plaque surfaced.

So, let God handle it all, including your corona fears because you are worth fighting for. Sorry, they violated you, used you, deceived you. You were  completely taking advantage of...
And them not supporting you, silently shows support for tthe person who harmed you.
But God, Watch him fight for you in this season of drought and uncertainty because you're worth fighting for. 

Until Next Sunday,
● Stay safe, Stay prayerful, Watch God, Read Psalm 91 and Wash your hands. 🙌 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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