Sunday, March 29, 2020

3/29/20 "Content Is Everything"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Content Is Everything"

Check It's Content BEFORE forming an opinion because a book is not always represented well by it's cover. Often times a cover is just a cover up, hiding what's really going on inside of the book, inside of the person, as it was with Hannah.

From the outside looking in, Hannah looked like a drunk that had stumbled into the church and Eli, the priest called her out on it.

But public drunkenness (as it appeared to be) was just a cover...Hannah was really hurting; barren-unable to give life to her dream of having a son. The bible says: She was in anguish & crying and she admitted to being very discouraged. Still she found her way into the church, into the temple to pray.
1 Samuel 1:10-15 NLT

Many of you like Hannah are feeling discouraged and even though you're in the right place doing the right thing...You still got people talking about you; looking and judging you without knowing the real content of your character. As if, they've never been through something that made them act a little out of character. 

So what, if you're not acting exactly like yourself these days with everything going on around you lately...Who can blame you?

You're doing the best you can to maintain some level of normalcy and that in itself can be overwhelming. 

What's important though is not what they think, or have the nerve to say...What's important is that you're fighting through the discouragement, fighting through the anguish -the serve physical or mental distress, fighting through the tears by staying on your face in prayer, before a God that doesn't see you as man sees you. A God who does not judge you, but encourages you to come. Get out the boat, Peter, and come...Come, all who are weary, tired from carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.
Matt 11:28 CEV Matt 14:28-29 NIV, 1 Samuel 16:7 NIV

Come; you belong to God....Ignore all the "so-called" perfect people who have never struggled with something in life, struggled in their walk with God etc. Truthfully, God is closer to you NOW than He will ever be to them (given their ungodly attitude).
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalms 34:18 NIV

Until Next Sunday.

Stay safe, Stay home.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 22, 2020

3/22/20 "Double Violation "


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Double Violation "

In 2 Samuel 13 from the NIV translation the bible records in grave detail the ONE horrifying incident that would change Tamar forever. Violated in one of the worst ways imaginable and by her own brother (of all people)... Yet what I consider to be, the second violation (equally as horrifying) in the text is how her father, King David got angry when he found out what his SON had done to her, his  DAUGHTER...But still he did NOTHING in support of Tamar.  It was the ole sexes double standard routine. 

You see,  I think we all know how it feels to  go through something life changing and not have the proper support.
Tamar was going through simply because she was loving and caring enough to show up for her brother who SHE THOUGHT was sick and needed her care.

DECEIVED...Going through without her Father's support making, a violated situation, doubly offensive.
And again, I think we all know how it feels to be deceived into a situation, and not have the support of family to help get us through.

But oh, we serve a God that sits high and looks low, he sees and knows all and he says: You are worth fighting for, standing up for. Yes, they made you feel like you were to blame by not supporting  you.
 But God....As a matter of fact he says, You don't have to do anything...I will fight for you, just be still.
Exodus 14:14 NIV Psalm 138:6 GNT

So, Since, you've been quarantined anyway due to corona...Take it as an opportunity to be still and let God handle everything you were worried about prior to corona. Because some of you were going through before this virus/plaque surfaced.

So, let God handle it all, including your corona fears because you are worth fighting for. Sorry, they violated you, used you, deceived you. You were  completely taking advantage of...
And them not supporting you, silently shows support for tthe person who harmed you.
But God, Watch him fight for you in this season of drought and uncertainty because you're worth fighting for. 

Until Next Sunday,
● Stay safe, Stay prayerful, Watch God, Read Psalm 91 and Wash your hands. 🙌 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

3/15/20 "A Second Wind "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"A Second Wind"

He said, “Come ahead.” Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” Jesus didn’t hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, “Faint-heart, what got into you?” The two of them climbed into the boat, and the wind died down. The disciples in the boat, having watched the whole thing, worshiped Jesus, saying, “This is it! You are God’s Son for sure!”
Matthew 14:29‭-‬33 MSG

Here Peter is, feeling like a failure  on his way back to the boat after having attempted to walk on water.

He felt like a failure because he had to go back and face the other disciples (the people he had decided to leave behind)....ONLY things didn't work out as he had planned.

So, he goes back, not knowing what to expect. Is this just it? Will I get another chance to try or do I just accept failure as a part of my resume?
Peter truly didn't know.

But God knew....He knew, Peter would get a second chance to prove to himself that he's not a failure.

SOMEBODY: Like Peter, you just need  a second chance to prove to yourself you're not a failure.

Time out for impressing other people...Catch your second wind. God is releasing a second wind....And this, time you will be able to get yourself together and make it happen.

Peter got his second chance and out of obedience to the WORD, Jesus had given him....Though, he was tired, exhausted already from all the work he had put in, he tried again on the water to make something happen and this time, it paid off.
Luke 5:1-7 NIV

Beloved,  God is releasing a second wind over you...You will be able to make it happen this time. Going back, having to face the same people you thought you left behind does not make you a failure. What it does is buy you time UNTIL you relaunch, UNTIL you restock your brand, rewrite your book,  UNTIL you re-work your business strategy, UNTIL you're able to do successfully what you couldn't do before.
Food for thought.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, March 7, 2020

3/8/20 "Don't Put That On Me"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Don't Put That On Me"

When I heard the Man of God say, "Don't put on me the stuff that didn't work for you" in regards to Saul putting his armor on David in 1 Samuel 17...
Immediately, I thought about the fear that has been put on many of you.

Many of you, you really want to get married, but because  a loved one (someone close to you) is always downing marriage because their own marriage failed...There is a fear that has been put on you. 

You can see yourself getting fitted for that dress, getting fitted for that tux....But then, you remember something that loved one of yours said, you remember the number of divorces that runs in your family...And suddenly, you are rudely shifted back into reality because the last thing you want is to be like the woman John 4 who had 5 husbands (prior) and the man she was currently involved with was not her husband either.
John 4:17-18 NIV

So, now here you are walking around with fear on you, fear has gotten down in your Spirit because you let them put that on you, like David let Saul put his armor on him...And you know, God has not given you the spirit of fear...But still.
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJ

But still, here you are walking around, afraid to take the next step in that relationship, the next step in that career of yours because you fear what will happen.

You let them put what didn't work for them on you. So, now it feels like failure is just around the corner, waiting on you. It feels like marriage for you is doomed even before you say I do.

As a child of God, you have completely forgotten that God said: And lo, I AM with you ALWAYS, even to the end of the age. Amen.
Matthew 18:20 NKJV meaning he will be with you when you walk down the aisle, when you say I do, when you take the next step in your career because always means always to the end, ride or die. 
The scripture concludes with "Amen" meaning so be it!

● JUST  DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE HIM in everything, every step of the way.... Because ultimately, he will be the one that holds things together for you and not you, yourself.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:17 NIV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy