Wednesday, October 31, 2018

10/31/18 "Called For Now"


"Called For Now"

"Called For Now" doesn't mean that you were called temporarily to something or someone, but "called for now" means that you were called to the Kingdom for such a time as this (right here, right now).
Esther 4:14

You see, Esther found favor in the eyes of King Xerxes and he chose her to be his Queen (to be his wife).
So, she moved from Mordecai's house and being Hadassah to the palace, in a bigger and better position with a new identity, but yet the same identity  because she was still a Jew in danger (as were her people).

Beloved, You are still the person you used to be to your enemies...Even though, God has changed who you are and moved your life into a better place; NOTHING in that new position is yours.

Your marriage is not yours.
Your connections, your relationships are not yours.
Your voice, your look, your style is not yours.
Your hands, your feet, your pull, your reach is not yours.
Your influence, your strength, your power, it is not yours. 
That favor, that anointing you're walking in, grace and mercy, it's not yours.

It's not yours, but it's all on loan to you, to be used for the glory of God.

Meditation Points:

1. Therefore, You need to know, you are being made to sacrifice in this season, because what you need from God to complete the assignment requires something be sacrificed. 

● Esther even though she was a married Queen (along with some others) had to push back their plate, and sacrifice their appetite for the greater desire of seeing their families free and out of danger.

2. Haters are coming out the woodwork (so to speak), because haters/enemies are required for the table to be set, and for the table to be overturned (in power), there must be trespassers.

● The bible says: You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Psalm 23:5

● The bible says: Jesus overturned the table in 
Matthew 21 because there were trespassers in His Father's House, trying to turn the Vision of the house away from prayer and into a den of robbers (thieves).

3. A WORD 4 Somebody: Don't let nobody trespass on your vision. Take back your power...You were called for now, called for such a time as this. You owe it to God to fight for your people, to fight for yourself, and to change the hatred around you.

●Esther's enemy was Haman...Haman carried in him a deep seeded hatred for her and her people (The Jewish people), but she overcame her enemy...In the end, he was no longer a threat to her, her people, her marriage etc. 

●I heard God saying, Hatred can be expelled and the sacrifice is worth it.


Father God,
Help all who are called in this season to accept it and do what's necessary to achieve victory over every enemy that tries to come against YOUR WILL.

Help all who are called...Sacrifice and expect.
Fast, pray and receive.
Help them to work and to promote kingdom strategies. 
In Jesus name,

Here if and when you need me.
Call Or Text: 865-408-8690

Until Next Month.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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Here When You Need Me.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 
Hosea 12:13 NIV 

Call Or Text Me: 865-408-8690

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Sunday, October 28, 2018

10/28/18 "Stop Trying To Man Handle Jesus "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Stop Trying To Man Handle Jesus"

38-39 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their journey, they came to a village where a woman welcomed Jesus into her home.

Her name was Martha and she had a sister named Mary.

Mary sat down attentively before the Master, absorbing every revelation he shared.

40 But Martha became exasperated (annoyed) by finishing the numerous household chores in preparation for her guests.

So she interrupted Jesus and said, "Lord, don't you think it's unfair that my sister left me to do all the work by myself?

You SHOULD tell her to get up and help me."

Luke 10:38-40 The Passion Translation 

Now I must admit, I got a little irritated with Martha when I read that last part...I mean, What was she thinking?

You just don't up and tell Jesus what he SHOULD do like he's some "Johnny come lately" up the block.

Then, it occurred to me... Martha was talking to Jesus the way, she would talk to any man that entered her house.

To her, he was just like any other man she'd had over for dinner.

Jesus was just a friend of the family over for dinner to her.

● See John 11:5 AMPC

She had gotten so comfortable with his human side that she had forgotten all about His GOD side.

Something we have all been guilty of in some capacity, I'm sure.

So,  she (Martha) tried to "man handle" Jesus because that's how she always was with the opposite sex...She was strong and assertive, which further explains why she couldn't just drop everything and sit at His feet.

Like Martha, many of you are comparing Jesus unknowingly to every male relationship you've had and you're finding it hard NOT to be in control, to let go and trust him, you're finding it hard to take him at His Word.

Beloved, Stop letting what you've known of other men interfere with the little you know of Jesus, when there's so much more to know of him.

Listen to how that word sounds: INTERFERE- Stop letting fear enter the relationship Jesus wants to have with you. It's okay to let your guard down. Perfect love casts out fear and His love is perfect, stop expecting to be let down (disappointed).

 1 John 4:18 NKJ

You don't have to interrupt and be the first to speak up, the first to voice your concerns etc...Just reverence who he is, because he already knows. He's unlike any man you've known, he's God.

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 21, 2018

10/21/18 "When No One Else Knows"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"When No One Else Knows"

🎶 My world is closing in

On the inside

But I'm not showing it

When all I am is crying out

I hold it in and fake a smile

Still I'm broken

I'm broken

Only one can understand 

And only one can hold the hand 

Of the broken

Of the broken

When no one else knows how I feel 

Your  love for me is proven real

When no one else cares where I've been

You run to me with outstretched hands 

and You hold me in your arms again

And I have come to you in search of faith

Cause I can't see beyond this place

Oh You are God and I am Man

so I'll leave it in your hands...🎶

💜 Lyrics from: "No One Else Knows"- By: Building 429

*Complete lyrics on Youtube

Can you relate to this song's  lyrics? I sure can. Years ago, this song stayed on repeat and helped me through a hard season of depression, brokenness, hurt, and feeling misunderstood by the world (or at least, everybody in my world) etc.

I know, I'm not alone in this..Elijah went through a season where he needed GOD in every way imaginable, as did Hagar (distraught over the future of her child) and Naomi (suffering from low self-esteem, wanting to be called Mara meaning -- bitter).

Even Jesus had a moment when he cried out, " My God, My God...Why have you forsaken Me?" Psalm 22:1

● 1 Kings 19, Genesis 16,

 Ruth 1:20

You see, Emotions get crazy like that, but what I discovered is: God heals, God delivers when "the fight" in us is truly broken and he can come close. Psalm 34:18

When it feels we have been forsaken, rejected; in that is the brokenness that will provide healing, provide deliverance.

SOMEBODY: Allow yourself to be broken, stop fighting it...So, God can heal you, deliver you.

You will not perish from depression, you will not perish from rejection. You will not become suicidal. You will have everlasting life  in God and you will LIVE now..Surrender and let God handle the hurt. 

● Psalm 147:3, John 3:16

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

10/14/18 "The Promise Trap"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Promise Trap"

Have you been caught by your own words, trapped by your own promises?

Proverbs 6:2 (Good News Translation)

The bible is so real and will make you think. I mean, really think.

For example: As much as we would like to think people have the power to make us lie...

The truth is:

People don't make us lie, they didn't make you lie...God has given to us all the freedom to choose.

It's just that you chose without knowing the cost physically, mentally (and in some cases financially) attached to what you were saying. 

You didn't deliberately lie..You just chose to promise that person something that unbeknownst to you, you are unable to deliver. 

They're expecting it, but you can't deliver and you've exhausted every possible solution OTHER THAN admitting to them that you can't and apologizing. 

You haven't apologized because you really want to come through for them.

SOMEBODY: You're stalling for time, hoping something will work out and you will be able to do what you said.

The guilt is so real.

You are caught by your own words, trapped by your own promises. If only you could erase your words from that person's mind..AND IF THAT PERSON just happens to be a child, you went way in over your head on this one, because children forget nothing UNLESS they're a teen and they want to forget.

Beloved, I think it's safe to say,  You learned an expensive lesson this time. That's why the bible tells us to count up the cost 1st before attempting to do anything significant in this earth, before we build etc.

Luke 14:28 NKJ

Still, I pray something comes through and saves the day and your word, but if it doesn't.. Don't be mad or sad, but do apologize and be equipped to do better next time.

Perhaps, Do like Nehemiah. He knew what God wanted of him, he checked into it 1st and still, it was a minute before he told anyone what he was doing.

Nehemiah 2:12-15 NIV

Food for thought this Sunday. 

Until Next Sunday,

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 7, 2018

10/7/18 "Remember"


5 Minutes of Focus


God says, Remember, how it was when you were young and all the hateful stuff you did, how you lost your virginity and all the sexual stuff you've participated in since then.

*paraphrased from:

Ezekiel 16:22 NCV

Remember, how it felt to, not be where you are now.

Remember, how it felt to, not have anybody and to be left alone to your own devices. 

Remember, before you chastise your teen for doing some of the same things  you did.

Remember, before you look down on that person that doesn't have anybody to help them do better.

Remember, how it felt, when it was you and talk to your teen from that place..As though, it was you and not them.

Remember, how it felt, when it was you sinning and operating outside of the Will of God for your life and talk to people from that place.. As though, it was you and not them.

Simply Put: Before you point the finger, remember how it felt to be the finger.

Remember, God, he corrects those he loves...Real agape love is associated with Godly correction. It's not rooted in anger, accusations, and judgment.

Heb 12:6 CEV

I firmly believe, there would be far less depression, isolation, suicide and self-hatred...If you just remembered, we just remembered from which we came and showed more compassion/mercy. YOU HAVEN'T ALWAYS BEEN THE PERSON YOU ARE NOW and neither, have I.

Therefore, Let us remember: The LORD is kind and shows mercy. He does not become angry quickly but is full of love. The LORD is good to everyone; he is merciful to all he has made.

Psalm 145:8-9 NCV

Therefore, Let us remember: The bible admonishes us to treat others (all others, no exceptions) the way we (ourselves) would want to be treated.

Luke 6:31 NASB

You might be a "so-called" saint now, but you were once just a young sinner in need of help, love, mercy and forgiveness, in order to successfully find your way in this life, as was I, just like them.


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love Prophetess Stacy