Friday, August 31, 2018

8/31/18 "What Is The Pain Saying About YOU?"

What Is The Pain Saying About YOU?"

In the book of Job: We see all the pain, Job was made to go through: He lost his money, his oldest son lost his house, Job then suffered through the death of all his children, battled sickness, and he had friends we were absolutely no good to him, in his time of need (when he needed to be comforted).

And Job let them know it:

I've had all I can take of your talk.
What a bunch of miserable comforters!
Job 16:2 MSG

I have heard all this before.
 What miserable comforters you are!
Job 16:2 NLT

I know many of you can relate...You've been made to go through some pain as well.

SOMEBODY: Your money is not like it used to be or what you would desire your finances to be, you've experienced the death of a few loved ones, you've had to deal with an eviction notice (or foreclosure). All the while, dealing with an illness in your own body, and friends behaving more like enemies, just when you needed them the most.

Still like Job, you find yourself holding on...Trusting, believing, even when you don't feel like it.

In the words of Job:
Though he slay me, yet will I trust Him.
Job 13:15 KJV 

So, What Is The Pain Saying About YOU?

Meditation Points:

The Pain Is Saying (in spite of it all)...

1. There is a Relentless Faith in you that cannot be stopped.

2. You can hurt and still not be hurtful..Even though, others are hurtful towards you.

3. Having money and a nice house are blessings you enjoyed, but you are not in love with material stuff.

4. Grief was not able to take your mind...You feel the pain, but you're coping with it. 

5. It has (the pain has) made you an advocate for your own healing.

6. You will not abandon your truth under any circumstances. 

7. You believe what you believe, even if...You're the one that believes it.

8. Even though it hurts, you still are willing to fight with every ounce of strength, you have left.

9. Whether you're physically sick or just plain "sick and tired" of going through what you're going through...Still, you know how to remain integral.

10. You will not take or be persuaded by foolishness or foolish advice. 

11. Friends are optional right now.

12. The lies don't matter right now or even who it is that believes the lies.

13. Right now, you're focused on one thing:  Your Recover!

14. If that means: You have to pray for your enemies or so-called friends to regain what you had, so be it. 

After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.
Job 42:10 NIV

15. Last but not least: The Pain Is Saying (in spite of it all)...You have days when you want to quit, just give up, despising the very day you were born, but it's just a passing mood, because really there's NO QUIT in you!
Job Chapter 3 NIV

Until Next Month.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 
Hosea 12:13 NIV

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

8/26/18 "Is This That Chapter?"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Is This That Chapter?"

Job 3:10-12 NLT

10 Curse that day for failing to shut my mother's womb, for letting me be born to see all this trouble.

11 Why wasn't I born dead?

Why didn't I die as I came from the womb?

12 Why was I laid on my mother's lap?

Why did she nurse me at her breasts?

This is that chapter of Job's life, when he was all up in his feelings, talking outloud to HIMSELF, asking himself questions, he never would have thought to ask, previously in happier times. 

Can you relate? Is this that chapter of your life, when "emotionally" you just talk without thinking?

Has the trouble at your door, frightened you to the point that you regret even being born?

Is that how you're talking now?

Beloved, It's YOUR words and NOT the words of other people that has the most power over your life. Death and life are in the power of YOUR TONGUE which could explain why Job went through every thing he went through FOR AS LONG as he did. Proverbs 18:21 NKJ

Yes, God was testing him, but..GOD NEVER DETERMINED how long the test would last.

Just like he's testing you right now and your words/actions will determine how long it last.

So, Feel like you feel (temporarily), but be careful not to let your emotions take root and you really start believing what you were just venting about, talking outloud to yourself about.

However, Here's the answer to your questions:

You were born to handle whatever you're facing right now. Death couldn't hold back your existence then and it cannot now.

You were nursed, laid on your mother's lap because as an infant that was your safe place, your strong place, your place of growth and fulfillment .The place from which you weren't afraid to become, to challenge life.

But now that you're older and life is challenging you...You wanna give up and just live in depression and regret. You wanna just open your mouth and out of your feelings, out of your "emotions" talk suicidal and have people look the other way.

"Is This That Chapter?"

Job had a chapter, when he was in his feelings, but his primary strength was always His Faith...May your faith outlast the trouble.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

8/22/18 Dedicated To: Eddie Gwin & Family

Dedicated To: Eddie Gwin & Family


"Hold On To The Legacy"

In Nehemiah Chapter 1:

Nehemiah is told some bad news and it causes him to weep (cry), to pray and fast; for days he lived in the face of God, trying to deal with the reality of what had happened.

It was this same bad news, disturbing news that shook him to action, because in the proceeding chapters of the book...Nehemiah sets out to rebuild and use his pain to help those who were also feeling the exact same pain. 

You are not grieving alone, but when you do decide to "come up for air" and look around...There will be others who desperately need what your parents instilled in you. Through you, their legacy will continue.

Legacy is what keeps me going most days...I miss my grandparents dearly because they raised me. Honestly, I felt and still feel like more of their child than grandchild...But what keeps me going is the legacy and knowing that somebody needs what they instilled in me.

Now, I'm not going to lie to you..Life hurts and time doesn't heal, but GOD COMFORTS.

Give him the broken pieces of your heart ..It's enough.

In coming days, you will feel the difference. It's amazing how he mends and gives strength where we feel strength-less, where we feel the most vulnerable.

Therefore, BELOVED, Hold on to the legacy...And let God do the rest. You are engraved on the palms of his hands...You are not forgotten. He's keeping check on you like any good parent would. There is nothing you need right now in the midst of your brokenness that He can't give.

So, grieve freely....It's okay.

He is close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18 NIV 

He heals the brokenhearted. 

Psalm 147:3 AMP

You are engraved on His palms. Isaiah 49:16 NIV

And He shall supply your every need...

Philip 4:19 KJV

This much I can testify to!!!


Love YOU always,


Sunday, August 19, 2018

8/19/18 " The Girl Is Not Dead"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Girl Is Not Dead"

SOMEBODY: Make that your confession: "The Girl Is Not Dead"..You counted me out too soon. "The boy is not dead"...You just caught me  at a down time, sleeping.

But Oh, I'm fully awake now and THE GIFT in me is crying out, MAKE ROOM!!! You can ridicule me all you want, but Jesus (the LORD of the lords, the KINGS of kings) is on my side and he declares, "Make Room, for the girl is not dead..."And who is it that knows me better than My Savior?

He knows my words, thoughts, my actions.

Psalm 139

So, If he says, It was just sleep you saw in my eyes and not defeat...You best to believe Him. He knows what he's talking about.

You see, Sometimes you have to let those who were so quick to diagnose you, so quick to pronounce you dead know that  it's not over. Death and life are in the power of the tongue...Therefore, I shall not die, but live

Proverbs18:21 Psalm 118:17

What you perceived as death was God giving me my second wind. I can breath again. I can live again. I'm stress free again and though, you think it's "crazy talk" I know I will stand before great men. I will fellowship and connect with people and places no one even thought imaginable.

Proverbs 18:16 NKJ

 What eye has not seen nor ear heard (that's) what God has prepared and (keeps ready) for those who love Him.

1 Corin 2:9 AMPC

Therefore, In order to make me ready for what he keeps ready..He shut me down for a season. People, family, and foes a like...Oh yes, you were all talking. Some of you were talking out of worry and concern (which I understand). Others of you though, your agenda was just to gloat...But God!!!...Just when, you thought you would have the last laugh at my expense...But God!!! He picked up the tab on this one.




Micah 7:8 NIV

So, again I say and let this be your last NEEDED reminder: "The Girl Is Not Dead...The boy is not dead..Watch...You'll see.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 12, 2018

8/12/18 "Do It Yourself!"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Do It Yourself!"

As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. 

Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food."

Jesus replied, " They don't need to go away. YOU give them something  to eat."

Matt 14:15-16 NIV 

Beloved, Stop pushing aside what you can do yourself.  It may be getting late, but it's not too late. It's not too late to do it yourself. 

Forget the quality of the place you're in...Don't let it scare you or deter you because it's a remote place.

 Up the road, there just might be what you need, what's neccessary to sustain you during this season, but still do what you can from where you are. There will always be those, you feel can do things better than you, but still do what you can.

Stop looking at what's approaching...Take yourself off that imaginary, but powerful time clock you got going in your head and Do It Yourself. 

You give of yourself, what you have and watch God bless the rest. 30, 60, 100 fold...According to your faith be it unto you. Matt 9:29

Matt 13:8

God is tired of you shifting the responsibility, just because you can't see yourself doing it. Stop trying to push people away, everybody that's associated with what your intimidated by.

This is your season. Have faith in yourself, in your capability. Jesus is not the only sustainer, provider that there is...God has called you to do the same, following His Son's lead. John 14:12

Therefore, what he has handed over to you...You can do. Do it yourself.  No more excuses. 

SPEAK THIS OVER YOURSELF: "I have the strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me (I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me)..."

Philip 4:13 AMPC

Think About It. Be Encouraged. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

8/5/18 "Honor Your Foundation"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Honor Your Foundation"

John 1:1-3 NKJ

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

These days, it seems nobody wants to start from the beginning, but (like it or not) the WORD was the beginning of everything....It was God's beginning and it is YOURS. Whatever you're trying to accomplish in this life, the WORD should be your foundation from which you build.

But that's the problem, we don't want to honor our foundation because foundation speaks of being on the bottom, instead of the top.

A house has a strong foundation when it's built from the ground up.

Vegetables have strong roots because they are allowed to grow from the ground up.

Roots and a foundation that's what God desires for us to have, but no!!! Most of us, just want to venture up, straight to the top and when you think about it that's called, CRASHING!!!

Think about it: A plane must start off on the ground, get it's momentum going and then venture up...Otherwise, it's called, CRASHING!!!

Beloved, Stop looking for a short cut to purpose, to destiny, a short cut to success and GET IN THE WORD. His divine power has betowed on us (absolutely) everything necessary for (a dynamic spiritual) life...

2 Peter 1:3 AMP

Everything we need for life (in general) is in the WORD.

There is no need for a CHRISTian to crash and burn on this journey, as long as he or she stays rooted in their foundation, the foundation of the WORD, the foundation of Christ. Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Coloss 2:7 CEV

You might be on the ground now, but because your foundation is sturdy... You will build your way to a new level.

Let them laugh and despise your small beginnings now...Zech 4:10 NLT

Little do they know, you're just getting your momentum going.  

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy