Sunday, May 6, 2018

5/6/18 "Embrace Your Greater Self"


5 Minutes of Focus

" Embrace Your Greater Self"

Naomi's sons married Moabite   women (Orpah and Ruth). After they had lived there in Moab 10 years, both sons died.
So, when Naomi heard that God was providing for his people, she made the decision to return to her homeland with her daughter-in-laws.
Along the way, Orpah changed her mind and decided to go back.
Ruth Chapter 1

Orpah was a Moabite woman and so she decided to return back to who she was.

Beloved, It's okay to go back..If you're going back to who you are; not just running from the future because you're scared.
It's hard to lose a part of who you are and still be expected to go on.

Even though, She grieved in Moab...Perhaps, greater grief for Orpah would have been to walk away from her roots, her core, walk away from the place and people that had raised her and helped shape much of who she knew herself to be, just because of the grief.

Sometimes loyalty requires sacrifice....Sometimes being misunderstood is worth the fallout.
Only you can decide what something is worth in your life.

Just because Naomi and Ruth were done with Moab...Orpah was not. Her heart was there, her greater self was there.
She was built to endure what her mother-in-law and sister-in-law couldn't and wouldn't.
So, she made the decision to go back.
It was her decision, not made in haste, or fear or confusion.
She tapped into her own will power and rewrote her strip. She realized along the way, the decision to leave Moab was a decision that Noami had made and that she was not a follower...Maybe, Ruth would be okay being a follower, but not Orpah. She was made to lead, even though she didn't currently feel like much of a leader.

Focus Points:

Your emotional state is only temporary.

You are strongest when you can make your own decision.

Don't be afraid of the fallout because some "key" people will not understand.

Stop following and lead...Despite, how things look right now.

Embrace your greater self.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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