Sunday, May 27, 2018

5/27/18 " Celebrate Yourself"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Celebrate Yourself"

It's Official...TODAY is my 45th birthday and as I celebrate God's faithfulness in my life on this day....I have just two words for you: " Celebrate Yourself." 

Stop waiting for others to celebrate you or for the environment around you to be sober enough to respect you.

Be like Queen Vashti who threw her own banquet exclusively for the Women in the royal palace...In other words, she got her girls together and they celebrated.
She didn't wait for a better opportunity or another opportunity or for somebody else to do it, she did it.
She and her girls got together and celebrated like Royalty.
However, at the same time, her husband was throwing a banquet for all the people, with a lot of wine drinking  involved.
So. she (Queen Vashti) refused to step into that environment and allow her beauty to be drooled upon by a lot of possibly drunk individuals.
Instead she stayed sober, respected herself and celebrated...Herself.
Esther 1:3-12 NLT

Focus Points:

Get your girls, get your boys together and celebrate. 

Remember that you are apart of a holy nation, apart of God's royal priesthood.
1 Peter 2:9

Therefore, Carry yourself like a Queen or King and cause people to notice.

Cause people to see your shine, but never allow them to touch YOU (God's anointed) and take advantage. 
Psalm 105:15

Male or Female you have more to offer than just your body.

It's time people saw and appreciated the real you,
but even if they don't. 

You celebrate you,...Stay sober, respect yourself and always acknowledge the GOD that's made it all possible in your life and MINE.

Do nothing even in celebrating to dishonor the LORD 

HOLINESS indulges in fun...But holiness still maintains a standard.

Never lower your standard.

With that being said...Celebrate...It's My Birthday....Happy Birthday to Me.🎁🎵

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

5/20/18 "Stuck Because Of Fear"

 5 /20/18

5 Minutes of Focus

"Stuck Because Of Fear"

The Israelites ended up stuck in the wilderness for years and it all started with fear and them not being able to see themselves as bigger, stronger, more valuable to the plan of God than that of a grasshopper.
Numbers 13

But they weren't the only ones. Peter ended up stuck, paralyzed by fear out on a lake of water, unable to move forward with his life because in his mind, he was already defeated. 
Matt 14

And then there's David's brothers who ended up missing out on their BIG chance to defeat Goliath and be known as Heros; all because they were stuck in fear and afraid to fight. 
1 Samuel 17

Beloved, you will never get out of the wilderness you're in, you will never get out of the boat you're in, you will never win as long as fear is winning. 

You will always be stuck because of fear as long as you allow fear to show you things a certain way, unaware that really you're leaning on your own understanding and not the LORD's understanding of things .

When you really begin to trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..Faith comes in and breaks the power of fear...
Faith comes in and shows you that things can be different, different from what you're seeing, what you're feeling, and fear had you believing. 

Focus Points:

Father God,
Help that one that's feling stuck, paralyzed, defeated, no bigger than grasshopper.
Help them to change their perspective and see that for every wilderness, there is provision.
Help them see that for whatever boat they find themselves in, whatever they're drowning in, there is JESUS.
Help them see that for every giant they're afraid to face, there is David.
Help them see that they don't have to remain stuck.
Help them see they don't have to do things alone and on their own.
They can live,  they can move forward with their lives, they can WIN.
In Jesus name. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

5/13/18 "She Sacrificed"


5 Minutes of Focus

"She Sacrificed"

When Naomi realized her daughter -in- laws would never legally be her daughter-in-laws again...Since both her sons (their husband's were dead) and she was far too old to have more sons, and if she did, the wait for Orpah and Ruth would be far too great.

I mean  who wants to wait around for little boys to become men?

Naomi did what most good mothers find themselves doing on a daily basis ...She sacrificed her own needs for the good of her girls. She sacrificed her need, her desire to have them with her...She sacrificed and said something that must have tore at her insides.

She kissed them and they cried openly. They said, "No we're going on with you to your people. But Naomi was firm: "Go back, my dear daughters she said. Go back, on your way, please! I'm too old to get a husband. Even if I said, "There's still hope! and this very night got a man and had sons, can you imagine being satisfied to wait until they were grown?"
Ruth 1:9-13 MSG

Oh the GOD inspired, GOD empowered love of a good mother...To try with everything she has to steer her children in  a direction she feels is better for them...To try, to attempt to sheild them from what she knows will be heartbreak.

Naomi. She sacrificed...Because a good mother would rather her own life be put on hold, than for her children's lives to be put on hold, delayed especially by something that's unsure, when she knows their potential and there is so much more, they can be doing.

SOME MOTHER RIGHT NOW: You're trying to convince your child to go back to school because you know their potential....Their potential is greater than what they're settling for.

Focus Points:

To: Every good mother out there...You sacrifice the way you do because GOD instilled the sacrifice in YOU.

YOU are acting like GOD towards us. Every time you sacrifice for your children...Remember GOD  and His sacrifice of JESUS for us. John 3:16

God knows and understands. 

HaPpY MoThEr'S dAY!!!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Friday, May 11, 2018

5/11/18 " Prove Your Repentance"


5 Minutes of Focus 
"Prove Your Repentance"

From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent (change your inner self ----your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance;
seek God's purpose for your life), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Matt 4:17 AMP

Beloved,  Stop saying,  "I'm sorry" to that same person...You have apologized to them enough.
Now, It's time you proved you're a changed person BY NOT HARASSING THEM....LEAVE THEM COMPLETELY ALONE. 

Quit stopping  by their job,  hoping to see them. Stop posting  messages on Facebook and Instagram (secretly dedicated to them) because you're all up in your feelings. 

Instead,  If you have really changed...Live like you're a changed person, a person who is inwardly new, with new thoughts that leads to better behavior, better behavior choices. YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO ACT LIKE YOU USED TO.

Regret your past sins, but don't get trapped by regret. IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON.

SOMEBODY: Your old way of thinking is DEAD...So thinking that way again can't lead you to anything that's good for you. 

Prove your repentance by ONLY seeking God's purpose for your life and being OKAY when it doesn't  include that person.

Focus Points:

Let them go and YOU, Go on in God. 

If you must become obsessed, be GOD obsessed. 
Give your body, your life to God daily as an act of worship. 
Rom 12:1-2  

Seek Him with all your heart, and soul. Deut 4:29 NIV 

Put away childish things.
 1 Corin 13:11

You are a new creation.
2 Corin 5:17

Do what Lot's wife couldn't do.
Let go BEFORE you destroy your future. 
Gen 19 :26 

You are strong....But like Samson you're drawn to that one you don't  need. 
Judges 16

Samson ended up blind...But you are not blind...Walk away.
Prove to them and yourself that YOU have changed.

Talk your issues over with God because being changed doesn't mean you're perfect.
Isaiah 1:18 NLT 

You are not perfect, but you have submitted to a new way of living AND that's a lot better than being committed (for doing something  foolish). 


Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, May 6, 2018

5/6/18 "Embrace Your Greater Self"


5 Minutes of Focus

" Embrace Your Greater Self"

Naomi's sons married Moabite   women (Orpah and Ruth). After they had lived there in Moab 10 years, both sons died.
So, when Naomi heard that God was providing for his people, she made the decision to return to her homeland with her daughter-in-laws.
Along the way, Orpah changed her mind and decided to go back.
Ruth Chapter 1

Orpah was a Moabite woman and so she decided to return back to who she was.

Beloved, It's okay to go back..If you're going back to who you are; not just running from the future because you're scared.
It's hard to lose a part of who you are and still be expected to go on.

Even though, She grieved in Moab...Perhaps, greater grief for Orpah would have been to walk away from her roots, her core, walk away from the place and people that had raised her and helped shape much of who she knew herself to be, just because of the grief.

Sometimes loyalty requires sacrifice....Sometimes being misunderstood is worth the fallout.
Only you can decide what something is worth in your life.

Just because Naomi and Ruth were done with Moab...Orpah was not. Her heart was there, her greater self was there.
She was built to endure what her mother-in-law and sister-in-law couldn't and wouldn't.
So, she made the decision to go back.
It was her decision, not made in haste, or fear or confusion.
She tapped into her own will power and rewrote her strip. She realized along the way, the decision to leave Moab was a decision that Noami had made and that she was not a follower...Maybe, Ruth would be okay being a follower, but not Orpah. She was made to lead, even though she didn't currently feel like much of a leader.

Focus Points:

Your emotional state is only temporary.

You are strongest when you can make your own decision.

Don't be afraid of the fallout because some "key" people will not understand.

Stop following and lead...Despite, how things look right now.

Embrace your greater self.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy