Sunday, April 15, 2018

4/15/18 " Burnt Out Caregivers"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Burnt Out Caregivers"

In John 4: 6-8 CEV
Jesus asked the woman at the well for a drink of water...Maybe, he didn't need it, but still he asked for it.

Most of us are so used to taking care of others, that we fail to ask for what we need.
That being the case, we could all learn a lesson from Jesus...
Burnt out caregivers -taking care of elderly parents or grandparents, professional nurses,
mothers, wives,  single moms, husbands,  single dads ---working hard and raising kids alone.

You can't continue being everything for everybody else and not enough for yourself.

There is a reason...Jesus said: Come to Me all who are weary and burden and I will give you rest.
Matt 11:28 NIV

Beloved, You have a right to rest, you have a right to ask for what you need.
You are not being selfish for asking...You are being like Jesus.
Jesus asked for water?
What is it you need to ask for?

Focus Points:

You just can't do EVERYTHING....Even God didn't multi-task and create the world all at once...After 6 days of work, he rested. Gen 2:2 NIV

Pace yourself...You will not be any good to anybody else, if you're not 1st good to yourself.

YOU are somebody too...Remember that!

Father God,
Revive every burnt out caregiver  reading this with the same water that Jesus himself asked for.

Maybe, he didn't need it, but somebody reading this, sure does.

Rejuvenate their souls so that they can go forward stronger, wiser, well- balanced in their hearts,  well- balanced in their mind and spirit.

In Jesus name,  Amen

"Calgon take me away"...The commercial used to say, advertising a bathtub and a  person in the tub prepared to be swept away.

Beloved, Unfortunately that's not realistic...But God can help you through each and every day, commercial or no commercial, calgon or no calgon .
He's our refuge and strength and an ever present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 NIV

Selah. (PAUSE and think about that).
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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