Sunday, April 22, 2018

4/22/18 " Where Is Your Defense, Devil?!"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Where Is Your Defense, Devil?!"

This is a photo of  Ms. Kianna Nycole playing in one of the best games of the season for her "then" high school.

Kianna is quoted as saying, "Don't let me find out that you have no defense!"
Spoken like a young lady ready to handle her business on the court...and she did!

POWERFUL..That statement is so powerful...How many times has the devil been without defense, but still he came for us, like he had full back-up?

And instead of handling our business, putting on the full armor of God, going after the devil in warfare mode, binding his every attempt to throw darts, we became fearful. Totally forgetting God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power along with a sound mind.
2 Tim 1:7 Ephes 6 KJV
Matt 18:18 NIV

It reminds me of Jezebel who came for Elijah hard, threatening to take his life, to the point that Elijah became fearful. Just that quick, he  forgot....He forgot he had killed all her back up... Every false prophet that would have backed her up was DEAD!

As a matter of fact, that's why she was coming for him, because of what he had done to her team.
1 Kings 19

SOMEBODY: Now is not the time to back down...The enemy has no defense and the odds are in your favor.

You are a child of God and he surrounds his children with favor..Favor is our shield of defense.
That's why some say, Favor is not fair, fair or not...It is necessary.
Psalm 5:12 NIV

Focus Points:

You are a child of God and even when no one else shows up for you..God is there, coming to your defense.
2 Tim 4:16-17 NIV

Whether, its in the courtroom, classroom, on the job etc..God will give you the words to say...No need to defend yourself or worry about what to say. The words will be provided for you at the proper time. Luke 12:11 NLT

Whether, you turn to the right or left, your ears will hear a voice saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21 NIV


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, April 15, 2018

4/15/18 " Burnt Out Caregivers"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Burnt Out Caregivers"

In John 4: 6-8 CEV
Jesus asked the woman at the well for a drink of water...Maybe, he didn't need it, but still he asked for it.

Most of us are so used to taking care of others, that we fail to ask for what we need.
That being the case, we could all learn a lesson from Jesus...
Burnt out caregivers -taking care of elderly parents or grandparents, professional nurses,
mothers, wives,  single moms, husbands,  single dads ---working hard and raising kids alone.

You can't continue being everything for everybody else and not enough for yourself.

There is a reason...Jesus said: Come to Me all who are weary and burden and I will give you rest.
Matt 11:28 NIV

Beloved, You have a right to rest, you have a right to ask for what you need.
You are not being selfish for asking...You are being like Jesus.
Jesus asked for water?
What is it you need to ask for?

Focus Points:

You just can't do EVERYTHING....Even God didn't multi-task and create the world all at once...After 6 days of work, he rested. Gen 2:2 NIV

Pace yourself...You will not be any good to anybody else, if you're not 1st good to yourself.

YOU are somebody too...Remember that!

Father God,
Revive every burnt out caregiver  reading this with the same water that Jesus himself asked for.

Maybe, he didn't need it, but somebody reading this, sure does.

Rejuvenate their souls so that they can go forward stronger, wiser, well- balanced in their hearts,  well- balanced in their mind and spirit.

In Jesus name,  Amen

"Calgon take me away"...The commercial used to say, advertising a bathtub and a  person in the tub prepared to be swept away.

Beloved, Unfortunately that's not realistic...But God can help you through each and every day, commercial or no commercial, calgon or no calgon .
He's our refuge and strength and an ever present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 NIV

Selah. (PAUSE and think about that).
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

4/8/18 " Jesus, My Hero"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Jesus, My Hero"

"You're my hero...You're the only one who is strong enough.
You're my hero...You always pick up before I self-destruct."
~Steffany Gretzinger

Beloved, There are some situations that ONLY Jesus being Jesus will be strong enough to grab your hand and pull you through.

You can't save yourself and you certainly can't be an hero to yourself....Any more than Peter could save himself, that time he had a panic attack on the water.

He might have felt like a Superhero for a few minutes on the water, when he walked and looked  like Jesus....But he would soon discover, he was not Jesus and that he needed "the one and only" Jesus, desperately.

Peter was about to self-destruct and find himself  "head over hills" in some water he couldn't swim in.
So from the pit of his soul, he cried out, "LORD, Save Me!!!"

You see, when the situation is really real and you feel overwhelmed.. You have no time for pride, for ego, you have no time to stop and see whose watching. INSTEAD, something inside of you knows that even if I must risk being humiliated, so be it.

"LORD, Save Me!!!"  Now, the process must have seemed  like forever to Peter (a few seconds can seem like an eternity, when you're scared)...But the bible says: Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand and saved Peter.

Jesus was able to (strong enough to) grab Peter's hand and pull him through.
Even though,  Peter's faith had been servely shaken, still Jesus was merciful just as he is with us.
Because he's Jesus, My Hero.

Matt 14:25-32 NKJ

Focus Points:

You cannot save you.

When people are not strong enough...Jesus is.

Your faith will be shaken sometimes...Don't panic.

His strength is made perfect in your weakness.
2 Corin 12:9 NKJ

Therefore, Don't idolize people...Jesus is your hero.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, April 1, 2018

4/1/18 "WE WIN"



Every year on Resurrection Sunday, I ALWAYS feel like somebody passed me the ball and WE, the body of Christ (The people of God) just won The Super Bowl.

When you think about it, it does make sense though....Resurrection Sunday and The Super Bowl has ONE MAJOR similarity: Nobody really, really expected Jesus to make a comeback, but he did.

It was his comeback that allowed us to make a comeback, when nobody thought we would or could.

Now.... I'm not the sports-loving female (I'm just not that girl), but  I noticed that The Super Bowl was flowing in the same way as The Resurrection when The Eagles-The team nobody really, really expected to win (all of a sudden) made an amazing comeback and WON the championship!

And after 3 days, Jesus got up.
Talking about a championship move, a game changing move...Ooh Jesus!!!!

Luke 24 Matt 28

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

#TeamJesus #WeWin #Eagles #EaglesWin #TheSuperBowl #TheUltimateComeBack #HeGotUp #Jesus #ResurrectionSunday #TakeThatDevil

4/1/18 "Jesus Was MIA (Missing In Action)"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Jesus Was MIA (Missing In Action)"

First, Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave...Lazarus who had been dead for 4 days...They pronounced him dead and everything...Lazarus was dead!

Then, later on , Jesus himself would face a cross that challenged his mortality, but because he knew the Father had given him as a sacrifice for the world...He submitted to death by way of the cross.
Day 1- Dead
Day 2- Dead
Day 3- Resurrection

What? By the time, Mary Magdalene made it to the tomb to retrieve his lifeless body...Jesus was up and gone; MIA (Missing IN Action).

Why? Because you (and I) needed another chance...Therefore, Jesus couldn't die a permanent death, but he had to get up.
He had to get up, even after all the torment,  the humiliation, the abuse they put him through to prove something to you.

Jesus needed to prove to you that just like he raised Lazarus from the grave and then used that same power to raise himself back up from the grave...That same power can be available to you, even now.

Beloved, Jesus wants you to give him your life, so that he can help YOU resurrect your own circumstances. You don't have to continue living in torment, humiliation, abuse, hurt, depression, battling addictions, prescriptions etc.
Like the woman at the well in John 4... Come clean about how you're living:

Father God,
I am a sinner in need of Jesus, in need of the intervention power of the Holy Spirit.
I want to be clean, delivered, healed, free.
I know I don't deserve it, but give me another chance.
Help Me, Help Myself...I 'm so tired of feeling helpless.
Today, I ask you to come in and change my life.
In Jesus name,  Amen.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Scripture References: John 11, Matt 27 & 28, Matt 12:40, John 20, John 3:16, Acts 1:8, Rom 10:9-10 , *Job 33:29 (CEV)