Sunday, May 14, 2017

5/14/17 "Resilience" ☆ Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg


5 Minutes of Focus... (The Non-Video)

Resilience that's the WORD for every Mother reading this....meaning you have the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

And Motherhood has had its many difficulties,  but still you have recovered well.

You are a Proverbs 31 Woman/Mother....
Proverbs 31 (AMPC) opens with this mother talking to her son, warning him about certain women.

Have you had that talk with your child about relationships and the only thing certain women want, the only thing certain men want?

She talked to her son about the affects  strong drinks (alcohol) would have on his countenance.

Have you had that talk with your child about the affects of alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex etc...How such behavior could affect their countenance?

If all that wasn't enough...The Proverbs 31 Woman/Mother was also a wife.
She had to run her household, and provide, not just natural food, but rise early to get SPIRITUAL FOOD for her household.
Yes, she was the Preacher/Prophetess of her house. Are you?
She was the person her husband trusted the most. Are you?
She was a business woman buying and selling; running her business, her household , caring for her husband,  caring for her son (her children).

If any or all of this is you...
God bless your resilience SUPER MOM.

Focus Point:
Enjoy your day and whatever tomorrow holds... EMBRACE IT. You are resilent.


LPS ~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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