Sunday, March 25, 2018

3/25/18 "What If You've Been Called To The Pain?"


5 Minutes of Focus

"What If You've Been Called To The Pain?"

Jesus was called to the pain that explains why he never opened his mouth AGAINST what he was going through (Isaiah 53:7 NIV), but he was a man familiar with suffering, familiar with pain, acquainted with grief.
Isaiah 53:3 NIV  (NKJ)

When you've been called to it and you know that's where you're supposed to be... You don't argue (waste your breath) with those who think otherwise, those who question who you are and what you came there to do.

Jesus went through all of that and the physical repercussion of it left him with scars....
There will be scars; physical scars, emotional scars, financial scars. Times when you feel you are being MADE to PAY for the call.

The cost won't always be a monetary issue though, but will be physically hurtful and emotionally draining.
But when you've been called to the pain....You don't argue your own way, nor do you run away.

Let them say what they want, do what they want and YOU...Find in yourself the strength to keep going, to deal with  it interally and move on.

You've been called. SOMEBODY: That's why you've always had a high tolerance for pain AND a "don't  care attitude"...God knew what you would be up against in this life and you would need BOTH to survive.

Focus Points:

To survive the very people and things you've been called to..God made you the STRONG, SILENT TYPE  just  like Jesus.

You don't have to say anything...Just let everything be seen. Jesus proved himself through his actions not words.

Let them reject you that's apart of the call too...They rejected Jesus and they will reject you, hurt you etc.
John 1:11 NLT

Still always remember: The call, although it's a hard battle...It belongs to God....You are just His Vessel, His Frontman.
2 Chron 20:15 KJV

Stay Strong.  Stay Silent. Speak Up, Speak Out only when neccessary. 
Stay On Purpose....

Until Next Sunday.


LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 18, 2018

3/18/18 "Bury The Grudge Not The Love"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Bury The Grudge Not The Love"

After David was brought in the house and anointed to be the next King...None of his brothers celebrated him, but they stood around looking and actually let him walk back out the door, back out into the field; thinking he's alone.
1 Sam 16:1-13 MSG
1 Sam 17:15 NIV

God says: Some people will actually let you go back out the door; thinking you're alone rather than drop their pride, drop their stubbornness and admit: "They still love you."

SOMEBODY: Despite your many differences..The relationship, the marriage is not irreconcilable.
They still love you..They're just too prideful, too stubborn- hearted to admit it.

SOMEBODY: Life is short. Don't let your loved one leave this earth; thinking they're all alone, just because you can't bring yourself to go to them and apologize, you can't forgive them....Deep down, you know you still love them...Deep down, you know you don't think they're "the black sheep" of the family, they just don't know it.

Like David's brothers  (and father) did him...You let them go back to life as usual  (as dysfunctional, as it is); thinking they're alone and that all they have is in the field (their field of work).

No Relationship.  No Marriage.
No Husband. No Wife. No Siblings.  No Father or mother...Nothing but sheep (work), nothing but a field (wotk).

Focus Points :

Life is more than work.

Don't let  "I love you" be said too late.

If you don't really want to see them funeralized, but you really do care....Stop trying to bury them.

Bury the grudge and not the love.

It's okay to apologize, to forgive them, to love them, to celebrate them.

What God joins together, let no man separate (be it a marriage, a relationship, family, siblings).
Mark 10:9 NIV

Thank You Holy Spirit for the revelation....You Rock!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 11, 2018

3/11/18 "He Binds Up"


5 Minutesof Focus
"He Binds Up"

For some reason, up until now...I always thought of  "He binds up their wounds" as God being The Great Physician and mending up, doing some fancy patch work on the wounds of his people (healing their pain and comforting their sorrow -Psalm 147:3 AMP)...Because just as sure as we live, we will get wounded by something or someone on this earth.

However, I now see the term  "Binds Up" as meaning so much more...Thank you Holy Spirit for the revelation. You Rock!

When Psalm 147:3 NIV says: He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds...We can associate that verse with: Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven...Matt 18:18 NIV
Bind Up- Whatever you forbid,  declare to be improper and unlawful...Matt 18:18 AMP

Picture this: God heals your broken heart and he heals your pain and comforts your sorrow  (for those of you grieving)...But then, he turns away from you to someone you can't see....And begins to tie up and gag this person of sorts.

You're confused. You don't know what's going on. Then, You hear God say: Satan, I bind you. I deny you access. You were not born in this body. Therefore, you will not set up citizenship in this body. I forbid you. You will not come in and undo what I have done for them.
You are improper and unlawfully trespassing.

I bind you up, Satan... I tie you up- denying you the use of your hands. You will not be able to touch them.
I gag you- denying you the use of your mouth. You will not be able to say something to discourage them, something to stop them for walking in their healing.

What I joined (brought) together, let no man separate. So, Satan you and  (your human) counterparts are all bound. Mark 10:9

Focus Points:

God is The Great Physican, but He's also A Warrior...Contending with those who contend with you. Isaiah 49:25 NIV
Perfecting that which concerns you.
Psalm 138:8 NKJ

He heals  AND he wars for you in the spirit realm over that healing.

Just something for you to think about...If God be for you, who can be against you?
Rom 8:31 NKJ

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 4, 2018

3/4/18 " Not That Person"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Not That Person"

You are not that person anymore...You are not the troubled soul you used to be.

Thankfully, in everybody's life, there comes a change... It's just that some are submissive to the change, while others are not...But YOU..You were submissive and you have changed.

From the bible,  we see:  There was a time when Esther was nothing more than an orphan girl; no parents, no siblings, no one to love her to greatness and help her release the Queen in her UNTIL her uncle, Mordecai stepped up and became her Father. Esther 1
In Christ, there are very few Fathers. So, Kudos to Mordecai. 1 Corin 4:15

Also we see: There was a time when David was just a shepherd boy with no friends and no family support, but yet he was able to fight off lions & bears and Goliath and become King.
1 Sam 16 & 17

You have no excuses anymore. Your cover has been blown. Everyone around you can see you're not that person anymore. You've had to fight off much, be alone, and stand alone a lot. You've had to do much with little, but still you're  here. Even though, you have every right to be angry, hurt, offended. You are not that person anymore. You have become new in Christ. 2 Corin 5:17
Physically, you look the same, but emotionally you have changed.

Your mindset has changed and the Queen, the King they tried to bury has risen to the light, risen to life and you're walking in your own footsteps, trying to catch up to the person, God told you in scripture you could be.

God told you:  You're the head and not the tail. He said: You're blessed coming in and going out, in the city or country (location doesn't matter).
Deut 28

Focus Points:

You didn't believe  God or believe in yourself enough to receive that, as truth though. But now...Look at YOU now!

Your faith has changed you, healed you,  made you a believer and God is pleased to see the work begin and YOU, starting to live up to your potential.

Matt 9:29 NIV
Mark 5:34 MSG
Zech 4:10 NLT .

Embrace the New YOU!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy