Sunday, June 25, 2017



5 Minutes of Focus

In 2 Samuel 4 :
Mephiboseth was dropped by someone sworn to care for him... Being dropped left him injured physically and deeply scarred emotionally.

Beloved, Sometimes people are hurt more than you can see...Time is not always a healer....Sometimes they can't just get over it!

2 Samuel 9:
It's years later... Mephiboseth is still not over it, and is now referring  to himself as "A DEAD DOG." Dead dog meaning something that's no longer of use or value, something that's  no longer important.

I think it's safe to say: Mephiboseth was caught up  in his feelings and definitely not in the mood for company.
He was not in the mood to meet with King David and discuss how his life could/would be changed (blessed) from that point on.

What do you do when they're not emotionally strong enough to receive the good life still has for them?

It's on days like this, that you must find it in yourself to LOVE THEM a little LOUDER than the insecurities inside their head.

LOVE  THEM a little LOUDER than the past, they can't seem to get passed.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER than the world and all it's preconceived notions.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER the way that Christ loved you when you were unable to love yourself.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER... Help them...Lend your strength to them.

Rom 5:6 NCV: When we were UNABLE to help ourselves, at the right time, Christ died for us...He helped us.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER until they believe they're still worthy of love, still worthy of a blessing.

Focus Points:

1. Don't you dare give up on them!

2. Remember you haven't always been so easy to love.

3. Now is your opportunity  to show them the love of Christ.

4. LOVE THEM a little LOUDER because deep down...You still remember, how it feels to be them.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 18, 2017

6/18/17 "More Than What You Remember"


5 Minutes of Focus
"More Than  What You Remember"

SOMEBODY: Life is more than what you remember...You can't keep living off the past.

God doesn't want you to be like the man in Mark 8 only seeing what you remember of life.
He was blind, you are not...Therefore, you have no excuse.

He was a blind man trying to get healed.
The bible says: Jesus spit on his eyes, touched him and asked him, "Do you see ANYTHING?" (By using the word, ANYTHING....Jesus left the question open for a zillion possible answers).

The man answered, "I see men, BUT they look like trees." This lets me know that he hadn't always been blind; somewhere in his past he remembered what trees look like.

If you are reading this: It's time you start really seeing life AND stop remembering  life through the dysfunctional mishaps of your past. What that man was seeing (remembering) was dysfunctional. Men are not supposed to look like trees.

But what I love about this precious man is that HE KNEW what he was seeing was wrong and he was TRYING to get himself some help.

Focus Points:

1. Beloved, Memories of your past will have you seeing life wrong.

2. Memories of  your past will have you judging people and relationships wrong.

3. Until you can see, you can't  see.

4. Seek professional help.

5. I' m praying for the healing of your eyes, the deliverance of your mind.


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 11, 2017

"Where Is My Joy?" .


5 Minutes Of Focus
"Where Is My Joy?"

The scripture says: Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5 NKJ

Joy comes?...Well, Is it morning yet?..Because I still haven't seen or felt my joy?
Where Is My Joy?

Beloved,  You have already received your joy. If you have wept (cried), been stressed out in the middle of a situation BUT STILL you managed to find the strength to continue, to not give up and let depression have a full  claim on you...You have already received your joy.

The problem is: In your mind, joy operates much like happiness so you keep expecting to feel it in the form of good times, fun and games. You keep expecting to see it in your laughter etc....But nothing you've been through or  currently going through is laughable.

Therefore, Joy can't possibly be an emotion (as some would have you believe)....All this time, you didn't know it, but joy is actually STRENGTH.
Nehemiah 8:10

Weeping ( situations that cause you to cry, be stressed) ENDURE for a night but joy comes in the morning. Joy meaning strength. If you had the strength to get out bed this morning and face another day in spite of...That was your joy. That was the LORD coming to you, ENABLING you.
Your joy has already come...You just didn't  recognize it.

Focus Point:

No, the bible didn't lie to you...So don't quit on God...Your joy came and continues to come every morning. Your joys name is STRENGTH.

Thank God for joy!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 4, 2017

6/4/17 "Think NOW and Not Later" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg.


5 Minutes of Focus
"Think NOW and Not Later"

Peter got out the boat without thinking....So much like us, we often get ourselves into things without thinking.

Then AFTER he was out the boat and walking in the middle of the sea...That's when he started thinking.

How many times have you panicked and started thinking after you were right in the middle of a  situation, right in the middle of an assignment, a  relationship etc ?

Here's the problem with that type of thinking: When you panic or find yourself operating in fear...God has not given us the spirit of fear.
2 Timothy 1:7

Therefore,  whatever you're thinking in that moment or decide on in that moment will most likely be WRONG and greatly fabricated by fear.

Peter in the middle of the sea was not in a storm, but he thought that he was; it was all fabricated by fear.

Time out for LATE thinking!

Focus Points:

1. Learn to take your time and think things through.
2. Think before you do it.
3. Ask God and if God gives you the okay...Don't second guess it, like Peter did LATER!

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy