Sunday, February 26, 2017

"Keep Going Until You Are Healed"


☆Reposting this from the Prolific Fire Ministry facebook pg.

5 Minutes Of Focus...(The Non-Video)
"Keep Going Until You Are Healed"

The bible talks about ten lepers that were not instantly healed....But they were healed on the go (as they were going - they were healed.) Luke 17:14 NCV

So, I say to SOMEBODY reading this tonight: For now, you have to go as you are, your life can't just stop... Go to work. Go to school. Go and Keep going!  (Live Your Life)... Whatever physical condition or situation you're in, whatever state of mind you're in...Keep going until you are healed.  Don't  give up. Though, the healing process has not come instantly or as easy for you as you would have liked.

Healing is as much a season as spring and summer.
The bible says:
There is a time for everything, and everything on earth has its special season. There is a time to be born and a time to die. There is a time to plant and a time to pull up plants. There is a time to kill and A TIME TO HEAL....You will be healed in time. Eccles 3:1-3 NCV

Focus Points:

1. It's not yet your time, it's not yet your season, but it will be.

2. Keep Going!

3. I decree and declare over you that: When you do get healed, your healing will be 10 X Greater than that 1 who was healed instantly, easily, without a struggle.

Until Next Sunday.
Keep Going Until You Are Healed.

LPS- Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, February 12, 2017

"Dealing With The Spirit Of Rejection"


5 Minutes Of Focus... (The Non-Video)

"Dealing With The Spirit Of Rejection"

It's almost Valentine's Day and many of you are feeling "some kinda way " because of the LOVE holiday. The heart shaped day  for some of you has brought back painful memories of being rejected by the one who you thought for sure, was the one.

In 1 Samuel 16: David's brothers were rejected; each told they were not the one God had chosen and from that point on, we see NOTHING in scripture of them even attempting to do something SIGNIFICANT. The one chance they had to do something significant, they blew it because of fear. They could have defeated Goliath but they were afraid. (1 Samuel 17)
SOMEBODY: You feel like you blew your last chance to be happy, to be in a healthy relationship, in a healthy marriage and so you're afraid. The rejection you suffered previously is living in your house (soul), eating you alive (from the inside out).

Beloved, Choose to be more like Jesus who the bible says came for his people, but his own rejected him and when they did; the bible doesn't say he closed himself off and stop living, loving, being Jesus.
But he chose to move on and give you and me the right to become the sons and daughters of God instead. (John 1:11-12 NLT)

This Sunday Night going into Monday Morning: MOVE ON!
Do something SIGNIFICANT for yourself this Valentine's Day. STOP HATING on the couples you see around you, because you will never have what you hate.

Right now, You are single, but you are not solo. God promised  to never leave you, nor forsake you. (Deut 31:8) Therefore, you are not solo.
As a BIG as God is and as much as he can do...The bible says: MOSTLY what God does is love you. Love YOU (individually, separate from the world); He loves YOU. When I read that scripture in Ephesians 5 from the Message bible, it blew my mind! God is so awesome.

Focus Points:

1. Adore HIM (adore God) while you wait for your love that should look a lot like HIM in nature. Afterall, God (himself) is love.
1 John 4:8

2. Trust God...His love for you is everlasting. Jere 31:3

3. Know that: You were rejected so you could be accepted by the one who really needs what you have to offer. Until then....

4. Do something SIGNIFICANT for yourself this Valentine's Day. Treat yourself to flowers, a gift, etc.

5. Remember: Stop HATING on the couples you see around you.  You will never have what you hate.

Praying you can feel His LOVE.
I bind the spirit of rejection, receive  his love.

Until Next Sunday.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Prophetess Stacy